Quarantined (Part 2)

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Cheryl's POV

I could believe this was going to finally happen and I swear if Veronica interrupts again... let's just say she's going to wish she was never born.

Me and Toni were currently frantically kissing. It's like we were each other's oxygen and we couldn't get enough of each other.

I moaned into her mouth as I felt her get harder. She tangled her fingers in my red hair. But before our kissing got harder she pulled back. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

For some reason consent was always a huge turn on.

"Yes, Toni." I approved. "I want you... all of you."

She nodded and went to making hickeys and love bites on my neck. Thats definitely going to leave a mark.

"I wanna suck you." I blurted out like a volcano erupting. It was completely out of my control.

"Then get down, baby girl." She smirked.

I bit my lip as I slid down and unbuckled her pants. I was actually kinda nervous, I mean, I've never actually seen how big she was. But now was the time.

I slowly pulled down her pants a saw a huge bulge sitting in her boxers. If that's how big she is when she has boxers on, how big was she when she was fully exposed?

I practically ripped off her boxers and her dick nearly hit me in the face. "Fuck, daddy you're so big." I moaned as I began to slowly stroke up and down her length.

Toni moaned and it made me even wetter down in between my legs. "Mm, open your mouth, baby. Let me feel you."

I obeyed and open my mouth and put her dick inside. I was surprised she got inside my mouth because she has to be at least over 8 inches.

I bobbed my head up and down, as my hands were wrapped around the base. The head of dick hit my throat every time.

I saw her close her eyes before she put her hands on my head to help me suck her off. "Mm, that's it baby. Just like that." She moaned, slowly humping my mouth. "Fuck."

I felt her dick twitch in my mouth and I knew she was about to cum so I slowly ran my finger around the base were the veins were.

"Fuck, I'm about to cum!" Toni gasped as I went faster and began to stroke her. And with that her hot white cum went down my throat. "I'm going to fuck you so hard, you won't be able to walk tomorrow." She smirked and brought me back up before flipping me around so I was now at the bottom.

Toni took off her shirt and bra so that she was now fully naked. She did the same to me so I was also naked, she had tossed my bra to who knows where.

Toni began to kiss my neck and down to my breasts. I moaned loudly. She bit my nipple hard and I couldn't help the fact that my hips jolted upwards.

"Fuck..." I groaned as she began to massage both of my breasts.

But what caught me off guard was when she began to rub my clit. I stifled a moan as her rubbing got faster.

"What's my name, baby girl?" She slipped in her fingers inside my wet pussy, as I was about to answer. She began to thrust her fingers. "What's my name?"

I groaned, not even being able to answer as I was in too much pleasure.

"What's my name?" She repeated. Her fingers began to hit that sensitive spot inside me so that I was now officially speechless. "What's my fucking name, Cheryl?" She growled with that sexy raspy voice.

"Uh—- I... uh..." I couldn't form the thoughts in my head so I couldn't speak.

"My name, Cheryl." Toni thrusted her fingers Faster and I wasn't sure if I even wanted to say her name if it resulted in this type of treatment. "What's my name?"

Finally I was able to answer, even though the pleasure had only gotten stronger. "Fuck! Uh, daddy!" I moaned louder.

"That's it, baby." She said, her voice softer than before. I felt my walls tighten around her fingers.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" I fisted the bed sheets in my hand.

"Then let go for me baby, I'll catch you." She encouraged and I came. Probably harder than I ever thought I would for my first time.

I finally caught my breath as her movement slowed down. "Fuck, Toni. I want the rest of you."

"And what would that be, baby girl." She said, innocently with a devilish grin that had made me wetter.

"I want your cock. Stretching me and filling me so good that I won't be able to walk for a few days." I groaned.

She smirked. "Okay, hang on baby." She reached over to the bedside and grabbed a condom before sliding it over her dick. "Are you ready, babe?"

I nodded, impatiently and she slowly put her dick inside of me. I instantly moaned. I excepted it to hurt since I was a virgin, but it didn't.

"Can I move?" She asked. I nodded again so she obeyed me and began to thrust in and out of me.

"Fuck, daddy. You're so big! I can feel you in my stomach." I moaned.

She thrusted faster and I heard her groaning while her muscles tended up with every thrust. Her abs were almost enough to take me over the edge.

"Fuck, daddy. Faster!"

All that could be heard was the sound of our skin slapping together and the sound of her dick going in and out of my pussy.

"Hm, fuck, baby. You're so tight." She moaned, and I involuntarily grinded in her dick just by how she was talking.

"I'm going to cum, daddy." I stated.

She leaned into my ear to whisper, "Then let go." And I did. Hard too.

She came into the condom seconds after I did, and she plopped down onto the bed next to me before throwing out the condom.

"Fuck that was—-" I said.

"—-fucking amazing." She finished for me.

"You know, Toni. I'm really glad my first time was with you." I cuddled up closer to her.

"Me too, baby girl. Me too." She said, wrapping her arms around me.

And with that she fell asleep like seconds later. I reached over to grab my phone and changed her name from 'Hottie Topaz' to 'Daddy' because that's who she was to me now.

And I fell asleep to a deep slumber.


A//N. Sorry if this was cringey 😬

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