So, Uh...Hi?

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[Toni's POV]

I woke up to my alarm blaring with that obnoxious tone. Yeah, I definitely wasn't getting up right now! Snooze! I rolled over to the other side of my bed and pressed the red alarm button. I sighed as I burrowed my head back into the soft and comfy pillow. Just as I was drifting off to sleep Sweet Pea barged into my room banging a bunch a pots around like a toddler learning how to annoy their parents.

"Sweets, What the fuck?!" I put the pillow over my ears only to have it snatched away by my friend.

"Toni, get up!"  Sweet Pea's echoing voice boomed throughout my entire room. "Today's the day we get to meet those Northsiders. Including a certain, hm... Cheryl Blossom."

Instantly my mood brightened up from the mention of her name. And Sweet Pea saw that and began to tease me, "Aw, is little Tiny T happy to hear her girlfriend's name?" That caused me to roll my eyes so hard that I could probably see my brain.

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"Eh, not yet."

Sweet Pea just smirked. "Get ready. We leave in 10 minutes." He turned to walk out the door before he remembered something. He turned back to me and pointed at me. "Remember wear-"

"Yes I know! Wear compression boxers!" I cut him off and pushed him out the door before slamming it shut.

Truth is, every time someone brought up my penis, I would... I guess... defensive. See, I wasn't born like most girls. I was born with a dick instead of a... you know, like most girls had.

When I was 13, finally old enough to get the surgery, I said no. Truth was, I was fine being... different at the time. My parents left me because of that. They didn't want to have anything to do with me. That seem to send me into a spiraling spin to depression. And ever since that day, I've been self conscious.

Sweet Pea and Fangs always told me that they would be there for me... no matter what. Through thick and through thin. A Serpent never stand alone. Even though that's not what my parents seemed to think.

But I least I have my friends by my side.


[Cheryl's POV]

Those Serpent kids are coming today. Sweet Pea, Fangs Fogarty and Toni Topaz. This gang has some weird ass names except for Toni. Did I mention I think she's hot? Because she is.

Wait. Who am I kidding? She's probably straight.

"Yeah. Straight as a circle."

I turned my head around to face the voice and saw Kevin Keller standing there with a book in his hand looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You have that look on your face." Kevin gestured to my face. "You're thinking about Toni right?" He sat next to me on the lounge's couch. "Jughead says she's Bisexual. But she prefers girls. Apparently her and him shared a small kiss which is weird because they're like siblings."

I just groaned and rolled my eyes dramatically. "Well looks likes she doesn't have good taste if she went after hobo."

"Actually he went after her." He stated.

"Well looks like hobo has good taste if he went after Hottie Topaz." I immediately changed my tune but the last part made my cheeks turn a tinted red.

Kevin smirked and squealed like a fangirl or perhaps in his case, a fanboy. "I. SHIP. IT."

Suddenly V and B came running in, breathless. "The Serpents..." Betty said, panting. "They're here." Veronica finished. She didn't seem as breathless.

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