Football Tryouts

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[Toni's POV]

"Guys!" I went up to Sweet Pea, Jug and Fangs at the cafeteria table. They were all eating they're lunch. I had a paper in my hand about it on the table so they could see. "I'm going to try out for football."

"Wow..." Sweet Pea eyed the paper. "For what position?"

"Quarterback." I beamed.

Jughead almost chocked on his hamburger from Pop's. "Wha... isn't Reggie Mantle quarterback?"

"Yeah. But he got a bad grade on his test that cost him the team." I said. That's the only reason they posted the tryout paper. But I didn't guess why someone like Archie Andrews or Chuck Clayton couldn't do it.

Fangs chuckled. "Imagine if you make the team. You and Cheryl are going to be the most cliche couple in this entire school."

"Well... we're not a couple... yet." I said, truthfully. We hang out a lot. She sometimes spends the night at my house and we occasionally share passionate kisses. But that's about it.

"So ask her, Tiny." Sweets took a bite out of his food, so he was now talking with his mouth full.

"How?" I asked.

"I don't know." Great advice Sweet Pea. Just know, I'm being sarcastic.


[Cheryl's POV]

Today was a rough day. All I wanted was to be cuddled up with my girl- Wait is Toni even my girlfriend? We haven't really talked about it.

Maybe we should...

I pulled out my phone and text her.

Cheryl🍒: Hey, TT.

She responded seconds later.

Hottie Topaz 🤤😵😏: Hey, Cher.

Cheryl🍒: So I was wondering if you wanted to come over today. My moms out so we don't have to worry about her.

Hottie Topaz 🤤😵😏: I'd love to babe but I have something I need to do today. Sorry.

Weird. She always says yes. But I guess she can't always come over.

Cheryl🍒: Yeah, it's fine.

Hottie Topaz 🤤😵😏: How about tomorrow?

Cheryl🍒: That sounds perfect, T.

Hottie 🤤😵😏: Great, I love you 💕

Oh my god! She loves me. Play it cool, Cheryl.

Cheryl🍒: I love you too 💘💗💞

I put my phone away as I sent the last text. This was our first I love you's. But I'm still confused on if we're girlfriends or not.


[Toni's POV]

"So you think you can replace me as quarterback, eh Topaz?"

I chuckled. "Please, Reginald... I know I can replace you. Honestly... it's not that hard."

Reggie just crossed his arms and smirked but I could tell he was scared. "Right... well, I guess we'll just see about that."

"Yeah," I agreed. "I guess we will."

"Mantle, Topaz, stop bickering and come over to the field to play." Coach Clayton called.

Me and Reggie shared one last look before we followed Coach's orders and went over to the field.

I already had the Bulldog's football uniform so I was ready. Once Coach gave us our orders, we played. And I of course, quarterback since That's was what I was trying out for. I threw touchdown after touchdown.

About 30 minutes later we were called to go home while Coach reviews the scores. As I walked in the locker room, everyone was congratulating me on my amazing job.

Afterwards, I threw a text to Cheryl.

Toni🐍: Hey, I finished my business earlier than expected. I can come over if you still want.

Cheryl👠💋💄🍒: Sure.

Toni🐍: Great. I'll pick up Pop's before I go over.

I put my phone away. I can't wait to make this girl my girlfriend.

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