Chapter 1: *Justin's p.o.v.* and shopping mall.

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                                            Justin's P.O.V.

     I   woke  up to  my  phone  ringing mostly to the familiar voice singing the song on my ringtone 

                           "DJ  got us falling in love again,baby tonight dj got us falling in love  again." So feel  for my phone on the night stand,  I found it and grabbed it off of it before  it woke up Shantelle too. I knew it was Usher.  "Yo' man what's up?." I asks into the phone still very really sleepy.

  "Hey  JB my man  I  just  call to ask if you would like to come with me to  the  recording studio today cause I'm thinking of recording  my new  song, want to come?." he asks.  "Yeah I reply," I think so what time?." I ask him rubbing my eyes.  "Noon."  He reply.  "OK  so I'll see you later then  bye man." I told him.  "Bye JB." After we said our goodbyes  I press the end button on my Iphone4s.

Shantelle's head still resting on my  chest  she was still sleeping , you must be thinking who is shantelle  well she is my girlfriend  who just moved in with me and my mom. Shan couldn't sleep last night  so she came to my room  that I could sing her a song and she would be asleep  asap  as usual that's what  I did when she was living  back home but I would sing to her over the phone  but instead of me singing to her last night.

"We got in a steamy make out session last night, and she must have fallen asleep, but mom can never know about  our steamy make out session  or that Shan slept with me last night either, she would probably kill me.          (The end Justin  P.O.V.)


                                      Normal  p.o.v.

When I woke up this morning  i blink a few times  and  look at my  surroundings but i wasn't in my  bedroom instead i was in Justin's bed   for  a minute i didn't  know what I was doing in his  bedroom  so I think long and hard in a few seconds everything came back to me, I remembered last night when I couldn't  sleep  but instead of Justin's angel voice sang me to  sleep we got in a rather  steamy make out  session, so I must have fallen asleep.

I heard  Justin's shower , I look at the clock on his night stand  I overslept a bit  because  it was saying   9:45   so i got out of  the bed  and head back to my room  i wanted to go shopping  today  and i could even buy   Justin's birthday present while  I was there but then again  I needed  someone  to come along with me so I decided to  text my best friend   Arianna(aka)Ari     ( Hey Ari  how are you? Would you like to join me at the mall today noon?" .Shanxx) after I sent the text  I headed  to my walk in closet   and  pick out  my outfit for today  which was  a pair of  tight blue jeans and  a white   tee shirt  that  say the future Mrs Bieber on the front  and my blue Hoodie with a pair  of  blue all star  converse, after I was finished  picking out my  outfit  my  phone buzz signalling that it receive a text  so I open the text it was Ari's reply (of course I would love to well I'll see you at noon. Ari xx).

"Yes!" I scream making a fist in the air , I run to my bathroom and took a quick shower   soon i was finished in the shower   i also wash my hair too I step out and wrap my towel around my body , I brush my teeth and wash my face too and  step back into my bedroom   I got dressed  really quick. I blow dried my hair and apply some  lipgloss to my lips,  I  didn't bother applying my make up today  though I grab my  small black  shoulder bag  with my  purse and  credit cards inside it  and took up my phone and push it in my  side pocket  and my car keys  in my bag and run swiftly downstairs where I saw Pattie and   my great boyfriend Justin waiting for me to come. 

"There you are Shantelle sweetie." Pattie said  smiling  at me , Justin hugged me  he pull apart and kiss me lightly ,"hey lets eat  breakfast then  now that Shan is here now " Justin said  sitting at  the table, so Pattie and I both join him too  we had eggs,bacon,sausages and pancakes,  in a few minutes we were all finished eating our breakfast.

" Shan Usher want's me  to come to the recording  studio  today  by noon so I won't be here today ." Justin told me  looking directly in my  eyes  with a sincere look on his face , so I figure that  you could go to the mall or the beach so here is my  golden credit card  ok".

"Justin  its OK if  he asks you to come  there and  pretty boy  keep your card. " I told him  but he insisted that  I should at least take the golden credit card from him.  Oh and btw pretty boy is my nickname for  Justin  since we were fifteen  I gave him that nickname  but anyway  I took the card  from his hand  and thank him.

" Justin!" Shantelle!" we heard Pattie yell for us from upstairs  we could hear her heels click,clacking down the stairs, they sounded closer to us.

" What is it Pattie I heard you yelling for us  and it sounded from up the stairs ?" I ask and told her .

" Well because I got to go sort out some paper works now and I want  you two  to  behave yourselves and don't do nothing  stupid  when she told us to don't do nothing stupid  she glare at Justin   fixing her hair. So we both told her that we wouldn't be together today anyway to  do anything  stupid.

" Well I'll see you later then. " she said smiling at us   she  walk to her car  and got in  we both wave to her she pull out of the  large  driveway  then I check my phone for the time and it was 5 minutes to 12.

"Hey pretty boy I got to go pick up Ari  for the mall now it's only  five minutes to 12  and I think you should do the same too to the recording studio see you later." I said  giving  Justin a hug I pull apart and was about to run to my car  when he grabbed my wrist.

"Where is my kiss Shan?." He asks smiling at me with his beautiful brown hazel eyes and immediately I was lost in them then I gave him his kiss it was more  than just any ordinary kisses it was so passionate our kiss lasted two to three minutes then we pull apart slowly for breathing space then I run off to my  car got in and and turn the key in the ignition and back out of the driveway  and Justin  did the same too but went in different directions.


Arianna and I drove to the mall after picking her up  I park my car  in the huge car park  the first store we went to  was forever 21 my favourite clothing store then we went to American Eagle,Claire's,Victoria secret and nordstorm and the shoes store too after we were finish shopping Ari and I went to the food court and got something to eat , but after we both were finish eating.

" I'm going to Tiffany's jewellery store." I told her  soon we were there  walking inside the store "hi we both greeted the cashier  " do  you have any  dog tags ?" I ask  scanning the glass case  "oh or better still  let me see that white gold platinum bracelet please?"  I ask  she came and took it out and I was a satisfied customer , "I'll have this bracelet  then." I told her .

" That will be $600 hundred dollars ma'am."  She told me, so I took out my credit card  and  stick it into the card reader  when it was ready I typed in my pin number without her telling me  to do so, she gave me my receipt and card from the card machine and I drop it in the Tiffany & company bag along with  the  bracelet. 

We left and went to the shop that did engraving cause I wanted the guy  who did the engraving to engrave this on the inside of the bracelet: Justin you're the wind beneath my wings & you'll always will  be forever & always love you , J&S. So I gave him the bracelet and we waited for it until he was finished engraving it I paid him and  he gave me back the now engraved bracelet, we left the shop and went back home.....



 The wind beneath my wings.(A Justin Bieber love story) Completed.Where stories live. Discover now