Chapter 6: The next morning,Shan's new friend and at the beach.

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Hey  guys i   know i haven't  updated  in a while  now  writer's block had messed me up a lot so to all my faithful readers and  fans i'm sorry but you cannot blame me. So anyway  and to let you know  i haven't recovered  from  writer's block very good yet , so please if any of you guys have any suggestions and ideas of what you think should happen next  in the next chapter  i would really like to see what you suggest and your ideas if you can give me some  that would be great just leave it in the comment box below please thanks in advance.  Barbados_Novelist33. And in return of your suggestions or ideas will be a chapter dedication. Love yall!"**********************************************************************************************************

        The next morning when i woke , Justin  wasn't in the bed and i could smell the aroma of delicious bacon and my  favourite scrambled eggs , i took a quick glance at the clock on our night stand  and it read 9:21  so i quickly got out of bed  i felt like going to the beach today also so i went to  the bathroom and took a fifteen minutes shower after i was finished in the shower i got out and wrap my body with my  towel  i brush and floss my teeth and stepped back into our bedroom i search for my purple and white two piece bikini  a pair of denim jeans shorts  and my white tube top i got dress in my bikini with my jeans shorts over it and my  white tube top. After i got dressed i send Arianna a text ( morning bestie get in your bikini ok cause i am going to the beach and Ryan will be there too ;) Shan. xx) After i send it  i blow dry my hair and straightened  it.

I  apply some strawberry lip gloss to my lips  and  got my black and white beach bag i pack mine and Justin's favourite purple towels with a bottle of sunscreen and my two shades and other stuff  including our room door key/card well after i was finished packing the beach bag i send  Chaz and Ryan texts( Hey Chaz it's Shan get ready for the beach ok and when you're ready come to our room.) After i send it  i send Ryan one too just like in Chaz text, after i was done i went to the small kitchen area where i saw  Justin pouring orange in two glasses but his back was towards me so he didn't see  me  so i hugged  him from behind.

" Finally  my beautiful girlfriend  is  awake, how was your sleep Shawty?" he said  turning around  to face me when he turn around  he kiss me on the forehead with one of his  award winning smile  that just melted me inside , but i wanted a kiss on the lips not on the forehead.

" I  have morning breath Shan i can't kiss you on the lips yet  but i promise you Shawty that i'll give you your kiss after   my  shower  now let's go eat our breakfast Shan".

He said  giving me my glass of orange juice we headed to  the  couch and  i took the remote and turn on the tv and  we both watch  SpongeBob square pants  which was very funny , my  breakfast was delicious  and it was my favourite which was scrambled eggs bacon and chocolate chip pancakes  served with my favourite juice orange juice also after  Justin and i was finished eating breakfast  i told him about us going to the beach today and that it was my idea , i took our plates and glasses and put them in the sink  and he went and took his shower and got in his black swimming trunks  he pull on his white basketball shorts over it and a blue tee shirt. Then he came back to the couch where i was sitting watching some boring program when Justin grab me gently by the waist and kiss me passionately  i try so hard not to make any eye contact with him  but i just got lost in the moment and look up in those beautiful brown ,hazel eyes and i went weak in the knees my legs were like jelly, during the moment there was a knock at the door so i went and got it, it was Chaz and Ryan  they came together.

" Hey guys  come on in  and have a seat." I greeted them and told them smiling sweetly .

" Hey  Shan" they greeted back  "hey  man  what's up Justin?"  Ry and Chaz  greeted Justin and all three of them did their  handshake and gave each other a man hug and i left the living room area and went for the beach bag i double checked if i had everything with me and yes i did  i had my  phone in my back pocket  so all of us left out of  the room and i lock it back and went for Ari just three doors down the hallway  after we came back to the guys.

" Hey guys" Ari greeted Shyly  "hi Ryan how are you?" she asks shyly trying to hide behind me.

" Hi Arianna  i am great" Ryan reply with a smile on his face " and i wish you would stop being so shy   Arianna," he said .  So i let Ryan and Chaz  take the elevator with Ari and me and Justin  took the stairs.

We were  in the lobby  now  , the beach wasn't far  from the hotel it was about  ten to fifteen minutes there so we decided  to walk  but before our walk in the hot scorching sun  Justin rub sunscreen on me and i did the same for him too   Ryan rubbed sunscreen on Arianna and she did the same for him and i  rubbed some on poor Chaz  who didn't have anyone to do it for  him  yet but i promise him i would find him a great girlfriend here in the Bahamas.


                                      { While    at  the   beach}

We arrived  at  the beach  i took out mine and Justin's towels  and  spread them out  after  i  spread out our towels on the cool sand  i took off my denim jeans shorts and my white tube top revealing my bikini , and he took off his white basketball shorts and his blue tee shirt revealing his amazing six pack  he was shirtless now he was only in his swimming trunks now , i took out the sunscreen before Justin run off to the guys  who was in the water  already  , i told him to rub my body properly with the sunscreen  after Justin was finished i took out one of my  shades and add to my face and put my light brown hair in a side braid, then Ari came and spread her towel beside mine she was wearing  her black and white polka dot two piece bikini she was wearing her shades too so we just ly there side by side while the sun cook us alive , during our tanning session on the beach i told her everything that happen last night   with me and Justin and she told me that Ryan kissed her on  the lips last night  but it wasn't  passionate it was more like a peck  on the lips.

I   was staring at the sky while listening to Ari  when  all of the sudden  it was as if someone or something was blocking  out my sun  so i wanted to see who it was that was blocking the sun  i raise my  dark shades to the top of my head  and look ahead of me i squint a few times before i could see properly who it was, it was a girl  around my age with light brown hair  she was wearing a a red backless swim suit  she was grinning at us like a laughing hyena.

" Hello what can i help you with?" i ask  her smiling sweetly while i raise up into a sitting position.

"OMG!" are you  Shantelle Mason?" she asks   exciting and happy  she couldn't stop jumping.

" Yes  i am Shantelle Mason" i reply with a look of confusion on my face .  " I knew it was  you, you are the WORLD'S SEXIEST,SWEETEST AND NOT TO MENTION CUTEST TEEN POPSENSATION SINGER JUSTIN BIEBER GIRLFRIEND!-but before she could let everyone on the beach know that Justin was here i put my hand over her mouth  " please don't scream, ok  do you promise not to scream?"  i told her and ask her.

She said  she won't scream but she didn't after i took my hand away from her mouth  soon after she was settled with us she told both me and Ari  a lot of things including where she was born ,where she live who she live with and her age ,and i was right too about her being my age she was only  16 like me,soon after  Justin and the guys was out of the water now  and Sasha was about to scream when Chaz saw her and put his hand over her mouth from behind  but  he lost his balance and fell back way with Sasha on top of him , all of us told her no screaming  then after she promise us no more screaming  Chaz removed his hand away from her mouth  luckily she didn't scream and so we talk about stuff and memories of me and Justin and Ryan and Chaz too and also Ari and Sasha , Sasha told us she like Chaz and i think he like her too.

Soon we pack up our stuff in my beach bag  and we left the beach and made it back to the hotel Sasha went in a different direction though  me ,Ari and Chaz  exchange numbers with her.

Back in my hotel room i took a shower and  Justin took one too   after we were both in our pjs Justin and i went to the living room couch and  he took a seat while i search for  a movie to watch on the DVD rack and i found one of my favourite movies the notebook  i took it off of the rack and insert it in the DVD player  and i went and sat right in between Justin's legs on the ground  he stroke my hair during the movie  i fell asleep by the comfort of  pretty boy stroking my hair.....

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