Chapter 5: Justin's p. o.v. and Shantelle & Justin's first time.

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                                             Justin's      p.o.v.


Shantelle   must  have been  very tired cause Kenny had to bring her  to my private jet  this morning and she slept all through the  day and she even slept all through the flight to the Bahamas  again  Kenny   had to bring her to the limo that was taking us  to the Atlantis hotel, when we arrived at the hotel  i  check everyone in  Shantelle and i got the penthouse suite  which  was on the fifth floor  number 145,Arianna's room was 139 on the same  floor like us.

Ryan,Chaz and Kenny  , Chaz and Ryan rooms were on the fourth floor  number 122 and 125 and  Kenny  was fifth  floor  but number 148. But as much  as i hated to admit , i had to admit it  now.



 Normal   p.o.v.

My  eyes slowly  peel open to  a  very happy Justin  he was  doing his happy dance  but i didn't know why he was doing his happy  dance so anyway i know he won't tell me why he was happy dancing  so easy either so i took my phone up off of the night stand and snap a few photos of him doing his happy dance  so i could  threaten to show it to everyone , and then you would see how fast i would know his reason, so that was my plan now.

" Hey  pretty  boy  afternoon"  i greeted him while rubbing at my  eyes , " why were you doing your  happy dance?" i  saw you,    i  asks and told him.

" Afternoon to you too Sleeping beauty" he greeted back , " i was doing my happy dance because  my mom  was kind of getting on my nerves, to be honest Shan"   he reply  truthfully.

" I know how it feels not being  able to hold your girlfriend as close as you want to," i responded to him with a huge hug, i pull apart  " it was driving me insane that's how it felt not holding you close for  a  whole concert too,"  i told him with a smile on my face.

Justin  last concert  which was in Florida  Pattie watched  us like a  hawk  watch its prey  and  told me  no hugs or kisses  for him  even though  I'm his girlfriend of three years and not a crazy fan  and  I was really  hurt to know that his mother didn't trust me , and me and pretty boy couldn't be too close either, sometimes it makes me wonder  if i've got a contagious disease that Justin might catch.

" Justin  have you had  your shower yet?" i  ask  getting out of the bed and i was still in my clothes  i wear to the airport  to get to Justin's private Jet , so i needed a shower.

"No  i didn't  have my shower yet i was  waiting for you to wake up  Shawty" Justin reply getting up off of the bed too.

He  wasn't  wearing a shirt  he was only wearing a black basketball shorts, i told him that  we could take a shower together  which he agreed to it, but i took out my underwear and  bra from my suitcases and my outfit and  brought them with me to the bathroom  so i could get dressed in the bathroom and Justin could  go get dressed  in the bedroom, we both went into the shower after stripping down to our birthday suits  Justin  washed my hair and i washed his 25 minutes later  we were both out of the shower  Justin grab his towel and wrap it around his hips tightly and left the bathroom after brushing his teeth. I wrap my body with my towel too and brush my teeth  i got dressed in some white short shorts and  a spaghetti strap top which was tight fitted so it clung to me in all the right places and the top was purple  and i add my purple flip flops and  my shades i put my damp light brown hair in a braid at the back.

Justin was already dressed  he was wearing a purple skinny jeans and a black and purple v neck t shirt and his purple and white Hoodie and  his  white supra , i took up my phone and check it  for any miss calls or texts  i got two texts which was from  Arianna  (Shan  i want to go swimming but maybe you're still sleeping i don't want to disturb you or JB. Ari xx) and her next one was ( Shan when you get this please call me or text me Arixx)  so i text her back (Hey Ari its Shan let's get you acquainted with your crush Ryan Butler he will call you ok so just answer his call and talk to him ok)  after i send her the text  in a flash i got a reply which was( :D :):) THANKS Shantelle!! Ari xx ) anyway it made me smile( no problem Ari you are my bffl Shan x)  i send my last reply to her and Justin and i held hands and took the stairs  because of  Justin being claustrophobic   after we were finished climbing down the five flights of stairs and was in the lobby .

" Hello afternoon " we greeted the man in the lobby at the front desk, as we left through the front door of the hotel " so where are we  going to go for some lunch ?" i ask Justin.

" Let's wait for the limo  then after it pick us up  we could ask the driver to bring us to one of the best cafe here" he reply so i agreed soon after we were driving to a great lunch cafe the driver said it was great  soon we arrive there  we order  lunch  and sat at one of the outside table and chairs around five minutes time a waitress brought our lunch to us  and we ate after we were finished eating  the limo brought us back  to the hotel, we got out and climb back up the five flights of stairs and finally arrived at our room i took my card and swipe it  and open the door before Justin could we both got inside  i *sigh* and sat down on the couch  and he let out a sigh of relief and took off his disguise  and i took off  my shades and my flip flops.

I check my phone for the time and the time was already   7: 21  in the night .

" Shan you're my lover and most of all my girlfriend " Justin said  wrapping his arms around me, i kissed him softly  like it always happen, our other make out sessions always happen starting with a soft kiss he grab me gentle from off of the couch i wrap my legs around his waist we both made our way over to the bed, we were both lying on the large four post bed  he was hovering over me he prop himself up on his elbows that he didn't squish me, i slid his shirt over his head and he did the same to me  i could smell his cologne, he snake his arms around my back and slowly undid my bra and took my arms from inside both straps and remove it away from my stomach , so now i only had on my short shorts  he unbuttoned and unzipped it and removed it which i finished removing it with my feet.

He looked me up and down  hungrily , he kissed me he was leaving hot kisses  all over my body   we kiss and turn over without breaking the kiss so i was now on top of him, i was sitting on his thighs  i slowly  remove his  jeans and after i slowly remove his boxers   i gasp! After my discovery, then he kiss me again  i kiss back.

I  saw where  our little make out session was going but it was no turning back now  this was going down  the teen parents road  alright  and also the blame Shantelle Mason Avenue too but i think i can take a blame for the wind beneath my wings and my hero too for once.

"Hey  Justin are you sure you want to do this now?" i ask  him just to be sure.

"Of  course Shan i am sure  " so let's do this i know it's our first time  and i know you must be nervous as hell  but i am  here Shawty" so once more i am sure as sure as our love grows," he reply kissing me a bit rougher now  and i could see that he was loving this as much as i, and he slowly remove my  underwear  he didn't need to get arouse , cause he was already  i felt him  he began  slow  it really hurts and when i said hurt i mean it hurt a lot, Justin was huge  i closed my eyes to keep back the tears, i let  out a loud moan  and i could tell he was enjoying every minute of our session  he let out a few small moans  we  kissed.

Our  little session  it lasted  a hour and a half  when we were finished we were both satisfied. I lay in his arms my head was resting on his perfect  six pack chest.

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