Lunch and Issues

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Hi low everyone. New part time. Hope you enjoy. I don't own Vampire Diaries only my oc's. Bye and enjoy.

Annamarie pov
I found Finn in the living room just reading. I smiled and went behind him. I covered his eyes like I used to when we were children.
"Guess who?" He chuckled.
" Hello Anna." I uncovered his eyes then hugged him.
" Can you come for lunch with me and Eli? Please."
" Of course little lamb." I smiled and kissed his cheek. Eli had come in and was chuckling.
" What's so funny?" I asked my older brother.
" You do realize no one can say no to you." I stuck my tongue out at him but smiled. Finn got his coat on while watching us. I went over and buried my face into his chest.
" I missed you." Finn petted my hair then kissed my head.
" I missed you also Anna." I backed up and smiled.
" Let's go." Finn chuckled and ruffled my hair. Eli was smiling.
" Yes. Let's go bond." I narrowed my eyes at both brothers and huffed. This only furthered their amusement. I rolled my eyes and pulled my brothers out.

We went for lunch and we were having a good time when I saw someone.
" Oh no." Eli and Finn both looked to see me being watched by Stefan Salvatore. I groaned and looked away.
" Anna. It's alright. He won't hurt you." I sighed.
" He already has." I got up and went outside.

I was trying to clear my head when Elena came up.
" What do you want doppelganger?"
" For you to undue whatever it is you did to Stefan."
"Nik already did that. And I'm not in the mood right now child." I tried to walk away but she grabbed my arm.
" Just undue it. All he talks about is you and how he wants you back and how amazing you are." I turned and ripped my arm out of her grasp.
" First of all I didn't do anything. Second I have better things to do then worry about you and you're stupid childish problems. And lastly don't you dare act jealous. Just because your ex doesn't want you anymore." She looked shocked then glared.
" You're worse then your stupid family. Pure evil is what you are." I glared sharply.
" Do not test my patience right now child." I turned but suddenly felt a pain. I looked to see I had been stabbed by a dagger. I fell back only to be caught by Finn. Eli had the doppelganger by the throat.
" I believe we warned you about messing with Anna." Stefan and Damon came out. I realized what had happened. Stefan had wanted me to leave so I could be hurt. I growled and tried to stand up. Finn firmly kept me from doing so. Eli threw Elena down then sped over to me. It was then I fell unconscious.

Elijah pov
I felt my eyes darkening when I saw Anna unconscious. I knew Finn was furious also. Finn spoke.
" You better leave right now. This is your one and final mercy from us." He stood up with Anna in his arms. I stood up also. We knew Anna would survive but she needed blood as soon as possible.

We rushed to the mansion with Anna in Finn's arms still. When we entered Kol came out.
"Finally you're back. I was..........." He cut off noticing Anna.
" What happened?!" Rebekah and Niklaus came down at Kol's outburst. They both were shocked. I spoke.
" Ms. Gilbert and the Salvatores tried to kill Anna." Kol growled and looked ready to murder someone. Rebekah looked ready as well and Niklaus looked beyond angry. Finn laid Anna down on the couch and brushed her hair out of her face.
" What do we need to do?" Rebekah asked.
" Anna told me once that if she is ever hurt all we need to do is mix our blood together and give it to her." Kol said. I nodded my head. She had told me the same. We got a knife and glass and let our blood mix. Finn fed it slowly to Anna and she was getting better. I could tell. I picked her up and lay her on her bed in her room. Now she would just need to wake up.

Annamarie pov
I woke up to being in my bed. I was still sore but feeling better. Then I remembered everything that had happened. I turned over and cried. How could he let that happen to me? I felt a hand on my head and heard Finn speak.
" Hush little lamb. You're safe." I cried even harder and buried myself into my brother. Finn soothed me and eventually I calmed down.
" How could he?" I asked quietly. Finn sighed and spoke.
" Anna. I don't think he wanted you dead or even hurt. He must have believed that she was only going to talk to you." I turned over.
" You saw his face just as well as I Finn. He wanted me dead. Or hurt." Finn sighed and spoke.
"You need to tell them Anna." I tensed.
" No."
" Annamarie."
" No. I can't. They'll hate me or be disappointed. I can't loose them."
" Annamarie Serah Mikaelson. We will never abandon you. You're the one good thing in our lives." I sniffed and let the tears flow. Finn got on the other side of the bed and bent down.
" Anna. What is it? Why are you so scared of abandonment?" I bit my lip. Just then Eli came in. He saw the state I was in and sped over. He rubbed soothing circles into my back.
" Anna. Would this have anything to do with the storm?" I tensed and stayed still for a minute. Then I nodded my head shyly.
" Oh Anna."
" I know it's childish to still be scared of something that happened so long ago. But I was scared. Everytime each of you was daggered I had to relive that fear of abandonment." Finn sighed and kissed my forhead. Eli petted my hair.
"Little lamb we would never abandon you. Ever." I nodded my head. I thought back to the time Eli mentioned. I had only been six but I had been so frightened when I got lost in the middle of a storm.

I was shaking and hiding under a tree. I had gotten lost and didn't know my way back. Just then lightning struck and I screamed. I curled further into myself and closed my eyes. I started rocking back and forth. I should go and try to find my way back but I was scared to move. Other, more horrible, thoughts plagued my mind. Why hadn't anyone found me yet? Had my own family abandoned me? I began sobbing and shaking. Just then I heard a voice yell out.
" Anna!" I looked up to see Eli and Finn standing there. They ran over and I launched myself at Finn. He pulled me to him.
" Shh. It's alright little lamb. It's alright." I sobbed into his shoulder. Eli rubbed my back and put his cloak over me.

After a bit we went back home. Mother and father came running out. Mother pulled me to her.
" Anna. Thank the spirits you are alright." Father took me next.
" You aren't injured are you child?" I shook my head. Nik, Bekah, and Kol had come out. Once father put me down mother took me inside and got me dried. She got me changed into night clothes.

Later I was tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep. I got up and went to where Finn and Eli slept. I crawled in with Eli and curled against him. I felt him wake up.
" Anna? What's wrong?" I buried my face into his chest and mumbled my answer.
" Anna. I can't understand you when you do that." I felt someone on the other side of me and knew Finn had woken up. I spoke.
" Don't abandon me." Eli froze and was shocked. Finn spoke.
" Little lamb. We would never abandon you. Why would you think so?"
" I thought you didn't want me anymore because it took so long to find me."
" Oh Anna. Of course we want you. I promise you'll never be abandoned. We'll always be with you." I sniffed and dried my eyes.
"Promise?" I held out my pinky. Eli chuckled and intertwined his pinky with mine.
" Promise. Always and forever." I giggled and hugged him. Finn chuckled and kissed my head.
" Always and forever little lamb." I nodded and then yawned. I curled into Eli and fell sound asleep.
End of flashback

Eli kissed my head.
" Don't worry engill. We will make sure you aren't abandoned." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
" Love you Eli." He chuckled.
" Love you too little princess." Finn was smiling and he spoke.
" See? You won't ever be abandoned little lamb." He pulled me close and tickled me. I squealed and squirmed.
" Finn! Let me go!!" He chuckled and continued to tickle me. I squirmed some more till he stopped. I rolled my eyes at my older brother. He was so annoying but I loved him.

Okay. Done. Hope you enjoy. Adios amigos. See you soon.

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