month one - our child

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Matt POV
I'm worried about Edd. He's been throwing up every morning, is he sick? "Edd" I said. "Yeah?" He said looking at me. "We should go to the doctor" I said standing up. "That would be a good idea" he said standing. I helped him to the car and we went to the hospital, and told a doctor what was wrong. "Judging by what you told me, it leads me to believe that you are pregnant" the doctor said. I was happy, so was Edd, we were finally gonna have a family! Edd put his hand on his stomach "I'm sorry we didn't know you were there little baby" he said smiling. Is it mine?....

IM PREGNANT!!! I can't believe it! I'm gonna have a baby with my amazing husband! I don't think I can be any happier than I am now! Me and Matt went home and watched TV. "Edd....." Matt asked. "Yeah?" I said. "Is it mine?...." he asked, I was amazed that he would even think such a thing. "Of course it is Matt! Your my husband and I love you more than anything!" I said holding his hands. He hugged me "I was so worried" he said smiling. "Don't worry" I said kissing his forehead. "I love you" I said.

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