month two - dead or alive

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Guys! If you haven't read my other story "Blue baby" than you won't know what their talking about here.

I was worried, are the babies ok? If not how are Tom and Tord gonna handle it. It's getting late anyway, I went to bed, layed down and Matt held me close, we slept.

- next day-

I woke up and as usual I was dizzy from the baby taking blood. I layed there for a bit waiting for Matt to wake up. When he finally woke up I grabbed his sleeve my low blood causing me to tremble. "Not again..." he said getting up and walking to the kitchen. I stood, leaned against the wall. Matt came back with a blood bag he has for a snack, he put a needle in my arm and let the blood in me, ge slowly sat me down with him and held my hand. He always makes me happy and protects me. When I felt good enough to stand I kissed his cheek and pulled out the needle, Matt drank the rest of the bag. We heard the door open and went downstairs. It was Tom and Tord. "Are they ok?" I asked. "Yeah, their alive" Tord said. I smiled and hugged them. They both looked so happy. I was happy for them.

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