month eight - indigo baby

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I was laying on the couch with Matt Tord and Tom. I feel really tired... I fell asleep. A few hours later I woke up, the couch was wet.... my stomach hurts... "I'm in labor!!" I yelled. Matt helped me up and took me to the hospital.

Matt POV
A few hours later, Edd had the baby, it's a boy. I sat by him holding the baby. "What should we name him?" I asked. "Medd" he said. "I like it" I said. Edd got up and we went home.  "Hey guys" Tord said."hi I said putting Medd down on the couch.

Torm POV
(Guys remember Torm is still a baby so I'm going to be using incorrect spelling)
Baba? Who da? I craw to tem. "You want to meet them Torm?" Daddy say pic up me. He put nex to him. Hug him.

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