month seven - war - part three

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I give some credit to DaLeahNorwegian

I woke up, tied to a chair, I remembered my dream. I looked down at my stomach, I was still pregnant. I looked around. I saw a man holding a syringe, it had a glowing green liquid in it. Am I going to die?..... He walks over and grabs my arm. "Your pregnant, don't worry it won't hurt your baby" he said. "Your going to stay here until you have the baby, they'll be our new weapon" he said injecting it into my arm. I started losing my eye sight, I felt warm liquid fall out my mouth and eyes. I could feel the baby moving around. I got unstapped and stood up, I felt dizzy. I heard a door open. I looked at it, I saw a red outline of a man with horns, Tord. I got really angry and ran to him pushed him to the floor and tried to punch him but he grabbed my wrist. "Edd I don't wanna hurt you!" I heard him say. "No.... hurt..." I said panting. "I'm gonna bring you to Matt ok?" He said. "Matt....." I said getting up. He stood and grabbed my hand. The guy that kidnapped me grabbed me and shoved me to the floor. "We need your baby as a weapon" he said. "No...."I said trying get away. Tord knocked him out and hugged me. He picks me up and runs home with me. I saw a purple figure, Matt. He took me and hugged me.

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