month three - royal blood - part two

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Matt POV
What do I do! "Edd!" I yelled shaking him gently to wake him up. It didn't work. I'm scared. Is he gonna die! Is he already dead!! The thought if losing the love of my life scared me more than anything. I unbuckled and checked his pulse, it was slow. He has to be ok. I held his hand, crying. "Edd wake up.... please...." the sun was starting to set. That's not good, it's a full moon tonight.... I'm gonna go full vampire. I unbuckled Edd, pulled him into my lap and moved to the back seat so he could lay on me. I locked the doors and held a steak laced with silver in case vampires or werewolves come. I'm gonna protect him. I just hope I dont go crazy and bite him, drain the last of his blood.....

A few hours later the moon is out

I'm starting to lose myself..... I cant hurt him... I cant let him get hurt... but I'm so hungry.... maybe just one little bite... no.... I have to keep him safe.... I hear tapping on the window behind me, I look and see a vampire. They must be able to smell Edds blood, I do, I wanna drink it.... but cant let him die... the vampire broke the window, I held Edd tighter and was ready to stab the vampire. "Vampire king" he said bowing on his knees. "What?" I asked. "The legend says the vampire that marries a mortal and has a child with them will be king" he said. "I looked down at Edd. "I'm a king..... what does that make Edd?" I asked holding Edd tighter. "Since it's a Male, a king" he said. I smiled. "And your child will be sacrificed in the eternal flame to keep all vampires alive" he said. My eyes widened when he said that "DON'T TOUCH MY BABY OR HUSBAND!! " I yelled kicking him out the car. "You want to go against the legend?" He said pulling Edd out with him. "GIVE HIM BACK!!" I yelled stabbing him in the chest and taking Edd back. As he turned to dust I picked up Edd, put him down laying in the back of the car, and started charging my phone. I had Edds head in my lap and rubbed his stomach. Once my phone was charged I called Tord and Tom, they came to pick us up and brought a blood bag, in the back seat I saw their baby. I smiled. I told Tord and Tom what happened, when I said I was a king, Tord stood completely straight and souluted me. Me and Tom laughed, we all went home and slept.

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