month five - nightmare

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Guys, so you know everything until the last paragraph is a dream

I was laying in bed, hooked up to a heart monitor. What's happening? "Matt?" I called out but there was no answer. "Matt!" I yelled, I heard his voice, it was far away "Edd?" "Matt!" I said trying to get up but I was strapped down. I looked at my stomach, I wasn't pregnant... I was cut open. I screamed and struggled. "MATT HELP ME!!!" I screamed, I was scared I was gonna die or the baby was dead. "Edd where are you?" I heard Matt say and I heard him running. "MATT PLEASE IM DYING!!!" I yelled crying. "Hold on Edd! I'm gonna find you!" I heard him run faster. I heard a baby cry. My baby.... I felt myself start fading away. "MATT!!!" I yelled, gasping for air now. He ran in and tried to get me out. I died.

-out of dream-

I woke up and say up fast, I put my hand on my stomach, still pregnant. I cried. "Edd?" Matt said waking up. "I'm ok...." I said "just a nightmare..." Matt hugged me and rubbed my back "it wasn't real, it's ok, I promise"

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