month six - sick

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I woke up from another bad dream, this time they hurt all of us. I stood up and felt really dizzy, was I low on blood again? "Matt?" I called out leaning on the doorway. "Matt went to the store" I heard Tom say, he was laying on the couch. He looked horrible. I sat by him. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Tord was right not to eat the food Eduardo gave us.... I have food poisoning, so does Torm...." he said. "Oh no, is he doing ok?" I asked. "He didn't eat as much. So hes not as sick as I am" he said. "Do you have food poisoning too?" He asked. "I dont know" I said. "I do feel sick" "you probably have it" he said. "Is that gonna do anything to the baby?" Iasked. "No they'll be fine" he said. "Ok" I said putting hand on my stomach. Matt walked in and gave Tom some medicine, and gave some to Tord. Tord had Torm take it. I took some and it made me really tired. I looked at Matt, he was covering me up "do you feel tired?" He said. I nodded slowly. "Thats the medicine working." He said kissing my forehead. "Ok" I said laying down. Tom was already asleep. I slowly fell asleep, feeling really warm, but it was comforting.

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