Part Five - The Opening Ceremonies

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After hours of being waxed and washed to perfection, it is time for the ceremony. I don't want to be dressed in this stupid costume, but of course i have no choice in the matter. To be totally honest, I don't even know what I am dressed as. Seems to be some sort of origami tree or something along those lines.

   I look around at the other tributes, who are being prepared and having the finishing touches put to their make-up. The pair from District 1 are both in fluffy pink costumes and I reckon they must have a new stylist. District 2 look strong and their God like warrior costumes shows their muscles perfectly.

    "Hi again." Noah smiles. " Didn't do my usual trick because of the costumes and headdresses. We need a new stylist i think"

   I laugh at his comment. "I always knew the tributes looked a little funny in their costumes but this." I gesture to papery dress. "This is just embarrassing"

 "I think it shows off my figure  a lot. What do you think, huh?" He laughs. "I'm not gay. It's a bit better that District 8 though. They look like patched up clowns"

"Come on then, you two. Are you ready?" Petrenella walks up behind us. We both nod and climb up into the chariot.

 District 1 start to head through the doors and the crowd erupts into waves of screaming and cheering. The closer we get to heading out, the more nervous I become.

 "Noah. I can't do this" i whisper as District 4 head out.

"It will be fine. Just wave to them. I'm with you always. Remember what I promised you?" he looks at me and I can't help but stare into his deep blue eyes. The eyes that could tell when I am hurt or sad or even just lying.

  I nod just as our chariot starts to move. I take in a deep breath and put on my biggest smile. I wave nervously to the cheering Capitol crowds and they actually call for District 7. A warm buzz spreads through my body as cheering gets bigger. It starts to get quieter and the cheers for District 8 erupt from the crowds.

  Oh well. I keeps smiling and waving until we stop in front of President Snow's mansion. We wait for District 11 and 12 to pull up before he walks up and settles the crowds. It takes all my will and manners not to throw something at his head.

 "Welcome Tributes. We admire both your courage and your sacrifice. So i shall say, Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be every in your favour" and that is all  he says. Our chariot starts off toward the training centre.

 "Well done" Petrenella puts her arm around me. "Blight was in the crowds and should be here any moment. Oh, here he is"

 We turn to see our mentor towering over us. He only won the games around ten years ago but looks around 40 already. i think it proves that being a victor isn't the best thing for you. No work and no exercise would be painful now. I have been chopping trees since I was nine years old so the sudden change would really put pressure on my body.

"Hello Blight" Noah says extending his hand.

"Pleasure to meet my newest tributes. Brilliant show back there." He replies shaking Noah's hand. "You must be Leigha. My haven't you grown. I remember you as a baby. You were all your father talked about for the fist year after your birth"

 I blush as he talks about me as a child. Noah nudges my shoulder and laughs slightly.

"We better go and show you are apartment then" Petrenella guides us over to the lift.

  I remove my paper headdress as we walk into the apartment.

"Wow, its amazing." is all i can say.

 "Isn't it just? Now your rooms are just through there so why don't you go and get something suitable on and have a wash" She talks with such excitement it annoys me. She has done this job for so long now i don't know how she can be this buzzed!

  We do so and around an hour later, we are called to dinner. More food than we would ever need right in front of us. Maybe they do this to get us to put so weight on but maybe it just what everyone in the Capitol eats.

"Training tomorrow. Any special skills i should know about?" Blight asks us both.

"Well I'm ok with an axe but they can get heavy sometimes" I say.

Noah laughs a little. "Come on, Leigh. We have both been Lumberjacks for seven years now. We are more than just 'ok' with an axe"

"That is very good. The year before last, I got two twelve year old. The male only went and chopped his three middle fingers in training. Why did you two start lumber at 9? Normally you start at 11 years old" Blight chuckles at the memory of the fingerless tribute.

"My mother stopped working and my sister refused to work. My father's pay wasn't enough to feed us all so I joined up. Noah thought that he could join me for the company. My father managed to get us jobs over in the western part of the District" I explain.

 "That was very thoughtful of you, Noah. Not to leave her and join up as well" Petrenella smiles before taking a sip from her luminous pink drink.

"Leigha's my best friend. I wouldn't leave her anyway" he replies. Blight looks up from his plate to see my blush and starts chuckling once again.

"You are one chuckler, aren't you" I say to him. He shakes his head.

"I want you two to get as much training done as possible. Try starting fires, trying knots and edible plants. Go around as a pair. Therefore you aren't as vulnerable to one's eye when you are together" he changes the subject.

   After we finished dinner he sent us to our rooms for an early night. Noah walks me to my door.

"Good night" he says.

"Yeah, that's if i get to sleep" i reply. "You know I'm sorry"

"For what? I have told you that it was not your fault I got reaped. come here" he comes closer and hugs me tight. "Where would I be without you?"

"Home, with your mother and father and brother" i sigh.

"No, i would still be here. But I would also be a loner"

"What are you trying to say? What did you want to say on the train?" i demand.

"Nothing. Go on. I'll see you tomorrow for training" he releases me and I walk into my room.

"Night" i say as I shut the door.

  I put on a night gown and fall onto my bed. The soft silk against my skin sends me to sleep almost immediately.

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