Part Sixteen - Fight for Life

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 I don't stop running but i can feel myself slowing down. My axe isn't helping. I can hear Charley gaining on me, her heavy footsteps growing louder. I look up to see the mountain towering over me, it could be my only chance. Without hesitation, i dash towards the base and start to climb. It doesn't look to hard. I can see many holes and platforms to help me. Once i get to the half way platform, i could potentially kill her by throwing an axe at her. So long as I was a faster climber than her. The sharp rock edges dig into the palms of my hands but I bare with the pain. I'm around fifteen feet up when Charley starts climbing after me.

"Come on down, Leigha. You don't want to fall to your death now!" She calls up to me.

I keep my eyes up ahead but shout down to her. "Why do you want to kill us so badly?"

"Just you Leigha." she shakes her head. "It was Ryan who wanted to kill Noah. And do you know what? He probably will! So why don't you wanna join your pathetic little..."

A canon sounds and brings her to a stop. It can't be Noah! He wouldn't die. He can't die because I need him. It's as though I can feel Charley's smile growing widen with every metre she gains on me.

"Correction! He is dead" she maliciously laughs at me. I feel tears but luckily, it is now hopefully too dark for the cameras to pick up on them. I reach the platform but Charley has remarkably gained speed and grabs my boot. "Face it Leigha. I'm going to win. Ryan won't see what's hit him after he goes for the tributes from nine. Then...BOOM! I'll  get him."

 I pull my foot loose and drag myself up as the fallen tributes appear in the sky. I keep an eye on Charley but get a glimpse of the fallen tribute. It isn't Noah though; It's Ryan.

"No! Ryan why did you go?" i hear Charley whisper. She whips her head down to check on any signs of Noah but so far; none. She clambers up onto the ledge and pulls out a knife. That's when  i realise her signature weapon is no longer with her. She couildn't carry her spears up the mountain. Whereas i still have my axe.

"Why did you volunteer Charley? What's the point?" i ask her. Biding any time I could get.

"Pride to my district. What else? We were fooled after that District twelve boy last ear took down three of our tributes but me and Ryan came here to fix that. Now i must bring pride back to district two and that is what i will do" She says. But whilst distracted with her lovley speach,  i run at her and hit her shoulder in which she holds her knife. She screams and backs off. I knock her further and she drives her knife towards me. She slips off the edge and falls down to the ground, i swear i heard some of her bones crack. Another canon sounds.

I fall to the ground and find Noah has started to climb. He shout whilst climbing to make sure i'm ok.

"Leigha, are you ok?" he calls up. Im about to answer with a simple 'yes' when i notice blood. Lots of it. I look down to see Charley's kinfe lodged into my abdomin. 

"I've lost blood. Charley has stabbed me. i think im going to..." i don't finish shouting as my world slowly turns black...

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