-One Eventful Night-

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Isabel Thorn, or Izzy as her friends call her. Izzy is a 28-year-old woman who is fairly fit and stands at about 5'7. She had a long pixie cut that parted on the left side of her head and was dyed a dark blue.

She had on a thin pair of glasses that were green with gold leaf painted on the side and golden wiring. Her normal attire is a pair of jeans, her boots, and a nerd shirt from her large collection. Today she wore a pair of black jeans, some navy green boots, and her favorite Loki Absinth shirt. After getting off of work at hot topic she was glad to be back in her apartment. She walked into her room and fell onto her bed. Izzy was tempted to sleep but knew she had work to do. Her phone buzzed just as she thought about grabbing it and her nerdy ringtone of Loki saying "surprise" drifted out of her speaker.

It was a text message from an unknown number. Curious she opened the message.


Izzy was confused so she just closed her messenger app and went to her computer, opening up her writing app. Her writing space was set up in the corner of her room consisting of a glass desk, a laptop, some desk decor, and a large black velvet wing back chair. She was working on a new comic, "The Biography of The God of Mischief, Loki".


Izzy didn't feel a vibrate from her phone until she realized that the sound didn't come from her phone but really from behind her. She took a deep breath and turned around slowly to see the real Loki standing there, bending down to whisper in her ear. She let out a yelp as she fell out of her chair and hits the ground. With one last look at the god, her vision blurred and she became dizzy until she finally fainted, her body hit the hard floor.

*•*•*Time Skip*•*•*

When Izzy woke up she was on a hard metal ground that defiantly wasn't in her apartment. She stood up quickly and looked around. It looked just like the ship from the movie Thor except with some gold and green accents.

"Oh my gosh, this is actually real."

"Of course it is, you dull creature."

A bored but proud voice spoke from behind her and she turned around to see Loki sitting in a gold throne with a cat on his lap.

"Is that my cat?"

"So it's your cat? Interesting. I'm taking it."

Izzy wanted to argue but at the same time, she was fangirling inside at the adorableness. The god of mischief loves not only cats but my cat.

"Why is it so fat? Are all 'cats' like this?"

Izzy walked closer to pet the cat on Loki's lap.

"Nah. Just him. He's lazy."

Loki just stared at Izzy for a good minute before flicking his hand to conjure a chair for her to sit in.

"Sit. We have more pressing matters to discuss."

Izzy smiled and took a seat while giggling to herself.

"Did I say something amusing?"

Loki's firm voice caught her attention and she shook her head.

"No no. It's just I'm surprised you didn't ask me to kneel."

Loki raised an eyebrow at her in confusion.

"First off I do not 'ask' Midgardians to kneel, I command them to. And second off that comes later. More importantly-"

Izzy's cat jumped off Loki's lap, startling him slightly. Izzy again giggled but immediately smothered it when she caught a glare coming from the god across from her.

Loki's Biography-Fan Fiction Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now