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"For Stars' sake!"

Cress shoved her way out of her new bathroom into the small room she now called 'home'. The room was largely taken up by a bed and a desk. The latter completely covered in boxes she had yet to unpack.

She had only moved into the halls for her first year at uni a couple days ago and was still getting readjusted.

However, she hadn't taken into account how difficult she would find readjusting the height of the shower head.

Muttering under her breath, Cress threw the contents draped across her chair onto the bed; mostly some clothes that haven't been put away and - oh that's where her mascara went.

She began to drag it across the carpet, finding, apparently, it was reluctant to move, when a voice came over her shoulder.

"Uh, are you alright in there?"

Cress straightened up and turned towards the door with a jerk. Hovering just on the other side of her open doorway was a man.

A very handsome man, her brain added, pushing thoughts of her unwashed hair and hoodie to the front of her mind. He was also carrying a box under his arms and a backpack slung over his back with a suitcase trailing behind.

"Oh. You're moving in?" Cress questioned.

"Yeah," he smiled, "just a couple doors down on the right." He nodded his head in that general direction.

She nodded, smiling slightly. With his attention focused back on her, he raised an eyebrow.

"So, back to my first question, is everything okay?"

"Oh! Yes, yes, of-" suddenly, Cress eyed him up, or should she say, eyed his height up, "actually, okay this is going to sound super embarrassing, I know, but for some reason they've put the shower head really high up and well," she gestured to herself, "I can't reach."

He took a minute to process, blinking a couple of times. Suddenly, he threw back his head and laughed. Cress could feel the blood rushing to her face.

When his eyes landed back on her, she could see them twinkling. "Sure, I'll help." He said with a smile.

He placed his box and bag next to the suitcase just inside her room. "Who knew I'd be rescuing a damsel in distress on my first day." He laughed, walking into the bathroom.

"Oh please, I'm no damsel," he raised an eyebrow at her over his shoulder, "okay, yes, fine, whatever, just please help."

The bathroom really could barely fit one person, let alone two. He stepped confidently over to the shower head attached to the wall and easily reached up, lowering it significantly.

"Stars, thank you." Cress had certainly been having visions of being forced to go to reception pleading for a different room for no other reason than she couldn't have a shower before he showed up.

"It's no problem, honestly," he turned towards her and held out a hand, "I'm Carswell Thorne but everyone calls me Thorne."

"Cress." She met his hand, giving it a firm shake. "Nice to meet you."

"Back at you."

They stood there for a moment longer before he let go, "right, I'll just go grab my stuff and start unpacking and, well, see you around."

She smiled, fully knowing they would be bumping into each other almost every time they wanted to eat, and suddenly, for the first time since stepping through the door, she felt a little less homesick.

"See you around."

Oh my god they were roommates.

Hello, back again, bit of an indulgent fic to be honest since I'm (hopefully!) going to uni next year and am equal parts excited and terrified.

Cresswell One Shots (The Lunar Chronicles - Cress x Thorne)Where stories live. Discover now