Chapter 28: It Shouldn't Have Happened.

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We are walking to school together, hand in hand while sharing an earbud, but when we approached the school, we let go of our hands, Dave retracts his earbud & I pull out mine to wear. We enter the cafeteria & I was greeted by a punch in my face & I kneel onto the floor. "Kai!!" Dave blurts out & the attacker questions it.

"Kai? He's not Kai, you dumb gay. That's weak, pathetic Grey." I slowly get up & Dave holds a concerned look, but I give him a reassuring smile & stare at the guy who punched me. "My mother could hit harder than you, & she's dead! What kind of a punch was that? Did you use any of your strength?" I sternly say. I hear the audience that's formed around us gasp quietly.

There is a ring of students & teachers around us; Dave, him & me in the middle of the ring. In most school fights, teachers usually try to stop fights, even try to prevent them from happening. Here... The teachers bet & watch on who's going to win. With fire in my eyes, I lightly push Dave back into the edge of the ring, making sure he doesn't get hurt,

"Kai... That's-"   "Yeah, I know who he is. He's still a fucking bastard." I coldly spit & look at Reed. Ron & Ren are coming soon, so let's get this started. "You're going to die." Reed grimly says & throws another punch. I catch it in my hand... 

I should use it here... To teach him a lesson. 

& I twist it. The audience screams at the sound of bones breaking.

This is why I'm glad to be an inner demon; my strength & reflexes are heightened. I grab Reed's crying head & punch him in the nose. Blood sputters out as he falls to the floor, scrambling cowardly away from me. I smile at him & I step on his chest. I could tell that my eyes were close to their limits... I rub my eyes, to try to make the urge to go away. My eyes turn back to normal. "Talk to me or Dave like that again, you're going to be the one who's going to fucking die." I say with edge in my voice & daggers shooting from my darkened eyes.

Reed nods quickly & I let him go. The school nurse came, clicking her heels & pushing a wheelchair towards Reed. The nurse & I make eye contact & we nod to each other. I turn & take Dave with me to our class.

What I didn't see is Ron & Ren walking behind us.

What I didn't know is that Dave was tensing up & looking at me nervously.

What I didn't see is their hands... holding switchblades.

Dave pushes me out of the way & it sinks into his side. He took damage for me. Instead of me getting stabbed, like their plan, Dave took the hit instead.

It should've never happened.

With Dave bleeding & clutching his side, I yank one of the students that was in the ring forming around the four of us & I look into his soul. "Take him to the nurse. If you try anything, just know that I'll torment you in my basement until I'm done playing around with a piece of shit like you. Got it?!" His pale face nods frantically & escorts Dave to the nurse. Dave nervously looks back & I wave him off. He turns back around & I turn around with my true eyes showing: my red, menacing eyes that glow ever so darkly.

Ron looks at his leader with that delicious emotion: fear. Ren grabs Ron's blade from his hand & pushes him out into the bigger ring of students. "S-so your eyes c-can change color, fine. B-but can you defend yourself with just your hands?" He smirks. I stare into his dull turquoise eyes & his eye twitches. "I won't just defend myself... I'll kill you while I'm at it." I grin. & I'll do it.

Furious, he lunges at me with his two blades pointing at my chest. I swiftly move to the side & punch his ribs, cracking them. He tumbles onto the floor in a coughing fit, but quickly recovers. Ren throws a knife at me. I swat it away & blood appears, dripping down the floor from my hand. I've gotten rusty... You're lucky I haven't practiced, Ren. While I was distracted with the blood, Ren shoves me to the ground & cuts my left thigh.

I grimace a bit. "It's slightly uncomfortable, I admit. But how long can you survive?" I say darkly. I'm not afraid to kill. He looks down at me & while his guard was down, I wave behind him & smile. Of course, the dumb twat turns around, forgetting who his opponent is. I pick up the forgotten switchblade that was swatted away & I slowly walk toward him. "You shouldn't have done that to Dave." 

He turns around at my remark & we both shoot our arms out.

The audience around us gasps in shock...

For I have killed once again. & for him, Ren, pushing the blade deep into my stomach. The slowly dying body with the knife in his neck falls to the floor. I stagger a bit & even fell down to one knee. I wickedly laugh as I get up, pulling the knife out of me. Blood gushes out slowly & I head to the nurse's office, leaving a slight trail of the bitter crimson liquid.

I arrive & enter as I see Dave being treated by the nurse. Dave turns to look at me & with bulging eyes, he tries to get up. "No." I say & I go to him. I sit down next to him, holding my stomach lightly. Dave leans his head down slightly to rest on my shoulder. "Stop moving, you're hurting yourself more." The nurse scolds. "Okay..." Dave replies & he stops moving so the nurse can finish fixing his side. After some yelling & Dave cursing, he's all bandaged up.

"You know the drill, ma'am." I say. I take my shirt off & lie on the patient's bed. "My, my, the last time I saw you was..."   "March." I finish her sentence. Dave gawks  at the nurse. "H-how does she know about you?" I chuckle & start to tell the story as the nurse starts to stitch it up once more.

(A/N: So, this might be the last chapter for a while for "Grey//Kai" because I'm still stuck writing more chapters for everything, especially this one, because I don't want this story to flop... So, for this story, is going to be on a little hiatus... Just until I finish a couple more chapters. Give me a week or two.

Book on hiatus: "Grey//Kai"

Thanks everyone! Also, friendly reminder, if you did enjoy the chapter, please leave a vote at the top of this page or the bottom of the page if you're on a phone.  <3


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