Chapter 24: He's Gone

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I'm in front of the door. I take breaths in & out, watching my heated breaths swirling in the cold air. Gripping the cold knob, I turn it left. After hearing a click & the door opening, I'm inside. I close the door quietly & I go up the stairs, avoiding all of the squeaky parts. His room is downstairs, but there's something I have to get... 

I used to play baseball, but Rey forced me to quit in middle school; the summer of 8th grade. Something about my anger issues & a boy named Robert. Mom got me a baseball bat without Rey knowing. I kept it in my closet; he never found out. I quietly open the closet door & look. It's in the back of my closet, behind the hanged clothes & hidden between the boxes, lying there untouched.

I hold the cold metallic bat in my surprisingly warm hands. It's practically begging for me to use it... & I will. I grin & tighten my grip on the handle. I check if it's still in my back pocket. Yeup. Let's go. I quietly walk down the stairs, past the front door, kitchen & I stand in front of his room door. Why am I hesitating? I need to do this... I need this... I take a deep breath in, gaining concentration. I let out a quiet sigh & I reach for the door knob.

But it swings open. With wide eyes, we stare at each other & he notices the bat. His eyes flare up with rage. I react & swing. He tries to dodge it, but my reflexes are faster & it hits him. It hits him on the left side of his head. He falls to the floor, gripping his skull. I lower my guard. Mistake.

He tackles me. The bastard tackles me! The bat falls &  clatters onto the floor somewhere & he lands a couple of punches on my face. I then push him off & kick his stomach. He crashes into the coffee table & it shatters into pieces. I slowly get up & observe my foe lying on the ground motionless. I find the bat in Rey's doorway. I grip its cold handle. So much hate is clouding my mind & pumping through my veins.

"End it." 

I look around, startled at the voice. 

"End it all."   "End it all."   "End it all."   "End it all." 

I grip my head & press my temples. It won't go away, how can I make it stop?

"End it all. End it."   "End it all. End it."   "End it all. End it." 

I hit my head several times, wondering what's going on. "STOP IT!" I yell in frustration. I start to cough... blood appears.

All of a sudden, I feel pain in my left arm. God, I'm so stupid. I glance at the broken coffee table & Rey's not there. I turn to the source of my pain. A big ass shard of glass is being controlled by my own father. Then again, he's not & will never be a father to me.

I will never love him. Not in this life or my after life.

A spark pops in my head. I forgot I had that in my pocket. I carefully & slowly reach for it. Of course, Rey notices & takes the shard out with me screaming in agony & stabs my shoulder. As I howl in pain, I grab it from my pocket & swing, sticking it in his arm. I take it out & swing once more, into his stomach this time.

He's screaming with pain. I grin & ask, "What's wrong, Old Man? You scared of me now?!" No answer. 'Fucking answer me!" I scream with hot tears in my eyes. Why can't I kill him? He should suffer. I'm surprised that he's still walking... this is going to be fun!  "Grey." I cock my head & stare at his limp body.

"I'm sorry." I throw a curious look at him & realize that he's not sincere. He's smiling at the ground. He strikes me in the stomach which makes me double over & he kicks my in my head. I collide with the bookshelf & stuff falls down from it. My trophy from Journalism falls & hits my right shoulder.

I feel sharp pains throughout my whole arm. I hear my knife clatter onto the floor next to me. Dammit... I grip onto my hurting shoulder & try to reach for my weapon, but Rey kicks it away & I see it slide near the kitchen. He steps forward & he grips my throat with both of his hands & slowly starts squeezing.

I can feel my windpipe closing & pain coming in. I struggle to try & get him off of me; it's no use. Just like the hospital, except I have nothing to win against his grip, no matter how hard I try. I could use my strength... but it'll waste my energy. 

All of a sudden, there was a bang & Rey collapses next to me. He still breathes, but only in mere staggers. I can finally breathe. I gasp as I look who rescued me. "Fuck..." I mutter under my breath. "Dave-"    "Before you say anything... come here."I try to get up, but Dave steps forward & embraces me. I feel safe, but..."Where'd you get that?" I feel him tense up & he retracts from me. 

"From Rey's room. I accidentally found it while I was looking for the bathroom. I took a left instead of a right & went into his room. I opened the door & realized it wasn't the right room, so I was about to close the door, but something shiny caught my eye. I peeked & saw his gun in one of his cracked drawers. So I just closed the door & went back to your room."

A light bulb dings in my head. "That's why you were tensed when you came back..."    "You're going to regret it." Rey says softly. I stand over his almost lifeless body. "I don't regret anything, Old Man." His bloodshot eyes open wide. "You're back." I brush off what he said & I lift my foot up to hover over the gunshot wound in his chest. I press down. He yells in pain & pathetically tries to push my foot off.

"Grey, he's suffering, leave him-"    "NO!  I want him to suffer more, under my hand this time." I interrupt aggressively. "Kai... I knew it..." Rey says & exhales.

Time of death: 11:31 p.m.    Date: February 2nd, 2018

Finally... he's gone. "Kai? You're b-back?" I turn to Dave to look at his shocked expression. "Yeah, Dave. You missed me? I'm here, like last time, but for good. I won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Want to have fun? Like last time?" I say in a sing-song tone. Dave's face turns bright red & he messages his temples. "If you want to have fun like last time, you need to patch up your wounds first. Also, give Grey back; he's not done fighting." He says in a grim tone.

What? Why does he want Grey? I'm here! For him! I need a drink... I head to Rey's liquor cabinet & search for the bottles that have a high alcohol content, but not too high to knock me out off the bat. 80%? No. 20%? No... "Found it!" I exclaim. "Found...?" Dave questions as he brings the first-aid box to me. I bring the brown bottle with me & sit down as Dave starts to tend my wounds.

"This beauty." I show him the bottle's white label. "The Balvenie 21." Dave reads. I pop the cap & chug. I stop to take a breath & check the remaining liquid: half. My throat burns a bit. I already feel bubbly... & a little dangerous. I look up at the ceiling as Dave finishes up putting bandages on me.

"Dave, how long was I gone? Is this what freedom feels like?" I ask quietly in the silence between us. "I dunno... it's been some months. Freedom? Like, having no restrictions? Yeah, I guess. I dunno..." Dave replies hesitantly. I turn to look at him, pulling my shirt over my messy hair. I pull him into a hug & hold him tightly.

"Babe, don't worry. Killing someone is one thing, killing many is another. You only killed one person, for me, all hope's lost. & my wounds are nothing to me, okay?" I pull away & look into his sky blue eyes lovingly. That's when you know Dave loves something; his eyes turn to a sky blue. He already knows what I'm thinking about. 

"But your injuries?" I put a finger onto his soft red lips & hush him. "What did I say?" I respond & move closer. Our lips touch & meet & our heated session begins.

(A/N: Halloween's around the corner!! Can't wait, it's only two days away... Time for the scares & tricks. :))))


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