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I also hate it when people think it's okay to bring a character or ship down because they don't like it.
Sure, it's your "opinion" but that doesn't give you the excuse to because it's really not necessary.
Just stop wasting your time on ranting about it because it's useless to. Just move on, alright?
Also, Archer doesn't deserve hate
He's equally amazing and underrated.
Branch is sorta overrated, but I still love him.
Like seriously, you see someone ship someone from a "canon" ship with another character and you say "nO tHis pErsOn bELoNgs tO tHis pErsOn nOt tHaT pErsOn tHeY'Re nOt eVeN tHaT gReaT oF a CHarAcTer-"
That's sorta
Childish and mean
Just respect someone's ship, it's not that difficult.
If you can't, just IGNORE it :D
Don't start a damn war
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