using the powers

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Peter leaves for school but instead of getting on the bus he decides to walk

Peter is walking down the street when all of a sudden he sences someone behind him with a gun and he does a roundhouse kick and kick the gun out of his hand then does a backflip and kicks the guy in the chest

P-woah how the hell did I just do that

He goes to walk across the street but sences a car about to hit him so he jumps in mid air and lands on the car

P- holy shit *looks around for a school bus and sees one*

Peter jumps on top of cars to get to the school bus then jumps on top of it and rides it to school

Once he gets to school he jumps off and MJ sees him

Mj-peter where'd you come from

P-oh I uh.. *scratches head*.. Ran

Mj-since when did you ever run to school

P- today


P- see you later *runs inside*

Later that day

Peter is at lunch sitting by himself since harry isn't there and he sets his hand on his tray and it sticks to his wrist and he can't get it off so so he starts shaking it but food goes everywhere and it's still not off so he takes the food off of his tray and throws the tray but a white string is coming out of his wrist and it is sticking to the tray so Peter pulls it out of his wrist and put his tray away and go to break before attracting attention

The end of the day

Peter goes home

P- hey aunt May and uncle Ben I'm going up to the roof

M-ben why is Peter going on the roof he never does that

B-hes a teenager May he doesn't know what he wants


Peter goes on the roof and tries to figure out how to shoot his web and figures it out so he tries to aim it to attach it to a building so he can swing to it

After some time of trying he finally hits the building and attaches the web to and so he decides to swing but ends up smacking face first into the building

Peter comes back into his apartment with a broken nose

M-oh my gosh Peter are you okay what happened

P-i tripped and fell

B-ill take you to the hospital just get something to stop the bleeding


Weeks later

Peter has finally figured out how to swing successfully so he decides to swing through the city

When he comes back hom uncle Ben is watching the news

News reporter-we have reports of a man swinging through new York it is unknown who this man is if you have any information please call the number *number flashes on the screen*

B-only in new York

P-yeah.... Welp I'm going to go upstairs and get ready for bed

P-yeah you do that goodnight peter

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