the suitmaker

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Peter is swinging around in his  spiderman suit when sees a robbery taking place two guys robbing a poor old lady

P- hey why don't you pick in someone your own size *jumps down to where they are*

(C1=criminal 1, c2=criminal 2, p=Peter/spiderman, ol-old lady)

C1-*laughs* ok kid go pretend to be a superhero somewhere else

P- ok

*Peter shoots a web and grabs the criminal's gun and swings it around and hits the criminal with it then webs him to the wall*

P-*looks at the other criminal* you want to try

C2-*drops purse and runs off*

P- *picks up purse and gives it to the old lady*

Ol-thank you so much young man what's your name

P-your welcome and I'm spiderman *jumps up then swings off*

P-that was actually surprisingly fun

Three weeks later

News reporter-in the last three weeks there have been reports of a hero who call himself spiderman

Peter is walking down the street and a guy calls him into a small corner store

(K=kyle, p=Peter)

K-peter Parker my name is Kyle Levinson

P-how do you know my name

K-i know more than that I know youre... *whispers* spiderman

P-no I'm not why would think that

K-look I'm not gonna tell anyone I'm going to work for you if you'll let me

P-work for me? Doing what

K-ok looking at your suit I can tell automatically you are in dire need of an upgrade because the suit you have now looks like shit

P-i can't pay you

K-i don't want pay I just want to help *holds out hand* deal?

P- ok deal *shakes hand*

K-alright where do you live I'll come over later and show you some sketches I have

P-*writes address on a piece of paper* alright my aunt doesn't know ok and don't tell her or your fired


A few hours later Kyle comes over and shows Peter a few suit designs and he chooses this one

A few hours later Kyle comes over and shows Peter a few suit designs and he chooses this one

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