The lizard

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(P=Peter, c=doctor Conners/the lizard, k=Kyle)

Peter is swinging around making sure everything is okay and talking to Kyle through the ear peace in his suit

P-everything looks good

K-alright come on back then

Peter hears crashes coming from the Brooklyn Bridge

P- hold on I hear some commotion coming from the Brooklyn Bridge I'm gonna go check it out

K-be careful

P- okay your telling me to be careful

K- sorry all powerful spiderman *laughs*

Peter swing over there to see something walking through the cars and causing wrecks and all of a sudden one of the cars goes off the side

Peter jumps down and grabs it with a web and starts trying to pull it up when all of a sudden something hits him in the back and it knocks him off so he is holding the car and the side of the bridge

P-oh god come on Peter you can do this

Peter tries to pull himself and the car back up but it's useless it's too heavy

P- people in the car try to climb out and climb over me bust out the back window or something

The people look at him


slowly the people in the car bust out the window and start climbing out

When it the last person goes to get out Peter's grip on the bridge gives out and they start falling toward the water when Peter shoots a web and grabs the kid and then shoots another one to grab the bridge

P-you okay kid


P- what's your name

Kid- Sean

P- okay Sean I'm gonna get you out of this i promise I need you to climb up the rope and get to the bridge safely

Sean-i cant

P-yes you can you have to please I know you can do your strong

Sean starts to climb and eventually gets to the bridge

P-great job Sean I knew you could do it

Peter climbs back up to the bridge and sees the lizard

P- kyle what the hell is that

K-what was what

P- there's a thing here looks like a dinasour

K- dinasour?

P-thats what it looks like

The lizard looks at Peter

P-come on weird whatever you are

The lizard charges at Peter and slams him into a support beam

P-ow jeez you are powerful aren't you

C-more than you could imagine

P-woah you can talk too?

The lizard lunges for Peter and Peter dodges

Peter grabs a rock with his webs and swings it towards the lizard and lets it  go and it hits the lizard and knocks him down

P-that had to hurt

The lizard gets back up

P-ah comone I thought you were down

The lizard picks up a car

P-oh shit

The lizard throws the car at Peter and Peter catches

P-YEAH TAKE THAT I CAUGHT IT wow I didn't even know I could do that

while peter is preoccupied with the car the lizard gets away

Peter sets the car down softly and looks for the lizard

P- are you kidding me it got away

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