The end battle

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Peter is heading to his intern job with doctor conners at oscorp

P- hey doctor conners

C-peter what are you doing here

P-for my intern

C-oh yeah

Doctor conners shoves a bunch of things into a drawer

C-clean up a little but don't mess with anything

P- okay

Peter starts to clean up and he sees the lizard DNA

P-wait a minute

Peter senses something and jumps to the side right as doctor conners stabs a scalpel into the counter

P-your the lizard

C-yes and your going to keep your mouth shut

P-i told you not to use the DNA yet anything could go wrong and it obviously did

C-i am more powerful now I am a superhuman like you we could work together and give everyone what we have

P-yeah I'm good I don't want a bunch of lizard people running around

C-if that's how you feel

Doctor conners mixes two chemicals then shakes it up and throws it at Peter and he jumps on the ceiling

The chemicals blow up and doctor conners turns into the lizard

C-ive learned to control the lizard and switch back and forth as I please

Peter puts suit on and jump down

P-come on doc

The lizard charges at Peter and Peter jumps to the side and shoots a web across the lizards path and he trips and falls

P-thats what I'm talking about

The lizard gets up and picks up a desk and throws it at Peter

Peter catches it and throws it back at him and it hits him

P-man I am on fire today

C-you are a nuisance

P-i have a nack for that

C-not for long

The lizard charges at him and grabs Peter and throws him into a desk

C-hows that

P-a little painful but how's this

Peter shoots a web at the lizards face and slams his face into floor

P-ooo I bet that felt good

The lizard charges at Peter and Peter jumps in the air and kick him right on the chest and he goes through the window

P-oh no

Peter runs to the window to see what happened

The lizard is hanging on the side of the building

P-take my hand

The lizard grabs Peters hand but the lizards hand starts to turn flesh colored

C-oh no

Then the lizards hands starts to shrink and dissapear


The lizard falls 15 stories down and lands on the sidewalk


Peter drops to the floor under the window and puts his head in his hands

P-hes dead and its my fault

K-its not your fault man if he had the chance he would've killed you

P-wait you've been listening this whole time

K-yep and I hacked oscorps cameras and I must say you did a good job

P-thanks man... Wait what's today


P-oh my gosh I completely forgot about MJs party I'll talk to you later

K-alright man have fun you deserve it

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