doctor Conners

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Peter has started an intern shift at Oscorp with doctor Conners

(P=Peter, c=doctor Conners, k=Kyle)

K-peter try on the suit I wanna see how it looks on you

P- but I gotta get to Oscorp

K-you can but try it on first

P- okay *puts it on*

K-looks great now press where your right ear is

P-*presses it*

K- okay now you can talk to me while swinging around the city

P- awesome

Peter swings to Oscorp to save time

Peter gets to reception

P-im Peter I'm here to see doctor Conners

Receptionist-*pick up phone* doctor Conners Peter Parker is here to see you

C-peter so good to see you

P- good to see you

C-shall we get started

P- sure

C-*takes him into his lab* this is what I've been working on

P-is that lizard DNA

C-genetically modified lizard DNA to fit any organism I'm trying to make it to be possible to inject a human with it and be able to regrow limbs

P- wow

C-yeah but I cant seem to perfect it

P- it's a really good idea though mind if I take a look

C-go ahead

Peter does some stuff to the DNA

P-do you test it on something or do just have simulation or what

C-we have test mice do you want me to get one


Doctor Conners comes back with a mouse and Peter injects it with the lizard DNA

The mouse's leg grows back

C-fantastic how did you do that

P-it has to be modified to act like the DNA of the thing your testing it on

C-how did I not think of that

P- idk but I gotta go doctor Conners I'll see you later

C-thank you Peter and now I'm one step closer to having two arms instead of one

P- glad I could be some help

Later that night doctor Conners is working in his lab with the DNA and he puts it into a  sirenge when he hears glass break

He goes into the next room over and looks for the source of the sound when he sees the case he kept his test mice in and it's got a hole in it and all the mice are dead except for the one they tested on

Doctor Conners goes back into his lab

C-it was an accident it probably was because Peter did it it will work for me

Doctor Conners injects himself with the lizard DNA and he screams out in pain and his arm starts to grow back

C-yes I've done it

The arm starts to look scaly and turn green

C-oh my god

Doctor Conners runs out of the building and hails a cab

Cab driver-where to

C-*his voice turns really deep* 275 maiden lane

Cab driver-jeez man what's with the creepy voice


Cab driver-jeez okay okay calm down

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