The search

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Peter is in his last class of the day and he's anxiously waiting for the day to end so he can find the lizard

The bell rings

Teacher-class dismissed

Peter bolts for the door but is stopped by Mary Jane

(MJ=Mary Jane)

MJ-hey Peter

P- hey Mary Jane

MJ-i was wondering if you could to a party im having this weekend

P- sure I'll be there

Mj-great see you then

P-yeah I gotta go

Peter runs behind the school and puts his suit on

He swings to Kyle's house

P- hey man got anything on that lizard dude

K-nope just reports on the news about the other night when you fought him and your all over the news for saving that family's life they're calling you "new York's defender"


K-yeah but I do kinda have something

P- what

K-it was caught on camera where the lizard went

P-really thats definitely something

K-yeah he went into the sewers through that manhole at the entrance to the bridge

P-im on it

Peter jumps out the window and swings to the Brooklyn Bridge and looks for a manhole cover and finnaly sees one

P- aha

Peter jumps down and opens up the manhole and jumps in

It's really quiet and Peter slowly walks foward when he hears something move behind him so he jerks around

Peter doesn't see anything so he cautiously walks forward

The lizard is on the ceiling of the sewer above Peter

(C= doctor conners/the lizard)

C-what do you want spiderman

P- who said that

C-look up

P-woah lizard dude hey how you been

C-i would be better if you would stay out of my business

P- sorry can't do that I'm supposed to protect this city

C-who am I harming

P-you almost killed a family the other night

The lizard jumps on Peter and slams him into the ground and starts repeatedly slamming his head into the ground

Peter grabs the lizards hands

P- okay that's enough

Peter throws the lizard over him and into a wall and the webs the lizards hands and legs to the wall

C-you think this can hold me back

P-more like I hope it will

The lizard breaks free from the webs

P-oh god

The lizard grabs Peter by the neck and hold him up

C-lets see whose under the mask

The lizard takes Peters mask off


P-how do you know my name

The lizard drops Peter and runs off

Peter drops to the ground trying to catch his breath and looks for his mask and sees it laying a few feet away so he grabs it with his webs and puts it on

P-kyle you there

K-yeah everything ok

P-yeah but the lizard took my mask off and he knew my name

K-thats not good

P-yeah I wonder how he knows me

K-want me to look into it

P-yeah sure

K-got it weird lizard dudes that know Peters name

Peter laughs

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