Chapter 15 ~ The Sweet Beginning

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Yuju's POV

I began stressing more over the sasaeng and it was hard to hide it from the boys. I had to pretend like all of these things were freak accidents and that it all wasn't from one creepy stalker.

The next day after the Instagram situation, Jun and I got a call from CEO. He needed us to come to the Pledis building.

On the drive there, I was really nervous. Did he see the rumors? Does he believe them? Was he going to kick Jun out of SEVENTEEN? Was he going to fire me from being SEVENTEEN's makeup artist?

As we walked into his office, sweat beaded on my forehead and I quickly wiped it away. He turned around to us and I took a deep breath. I braced myself for the worst.

"Jun, Yuju," CEO said sternly. "I have brought you here for a very important matter."

"What is it?" Jun asked, not shaking.

"Is your relationship real?" CEO asked, looking at us carefully.

"Well, yes," I confessed. "But we can break up if you want if it hurts the company or SEVENTEEN. I just don't want—"

"Stop," CEO held his hand up. "It's fine. In fact, although we denied the rumors, it seems that those ships have made Pledis and SEVENTEEN more popular. Sales and profits have gone up rapidly in the past 24 hours, and netizens suspect that if Junju was real, then the company might surpass YG and that we would be extremely popular."

Jun and I were shocked. All this time we thought we were going to be in trouble, and it turned out, the thing we were most nervous for was the thing that was going to help SEVENTEEN. I relaxed slightly and smiled.

"Okay then," Jun smiled. "We'll announce it today."

"Perfect," CEO agreed. "I will call you both with a follow-up."

As we walked out of his office, we grinned at each other.

"Yay! We don't have to hide it anymore!" I cheered.

"Once we get back to the dorm, let's announce it and then tell everyone else!" Jun grinned.

The drive back to the dorm went by quickly, and the two of us ran to the door all the way to my room. We took a cute selfie together, and both of us posted it on out Instagrams — @x.yujussi.x and @junisjunhui.

Within minutes, both of the photos had over a million likes, and hundreds of thousands of comments popped up. In an hour, SEVENTEEN had gained half a million more followers, as did Jun and I's personal accounts. That gave me a total of 737K followers. I was shocked, but those feelings were put away when we ran to the living room to tell the boys and Jiyeon.

"Hey guys!" Jun yelled. "Our relationship was approved and we made it public on Instagram today!"

The boys ran out of their rooms, congratulating the both of us, but I noticed Mingyu looking at the whole fiasco glumly.

"It's okay," I whispered to him. "You'll find someone who'll make you happy."

Mingyu smiled at me and joined in the celebration. Jiyeon was a few feet away, rolling her eyes at all of us.

"UGH how are you more popular on social media now?" Jiyeon grumbled as she walked passed me.

"It's called the power of JUNJU!" I grinned.

The next day, Jun and I were eating breakfast and as expected, we got a call from CEO.

"Hey guys," CEO said.

"Hang on, we're putting you on speakerphone," Jun said, toying with the buttons on his phone.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Thanks to the success of the Junju relationship, Pledis has OFFICIALLY beaten YG in profits and income!" CEO announced.

We all whooped and cheered for a good minute, and then listened to him, as it seemed that he had more to say.

"Which reminds me, Jun, Yuju, Sprite has offered us an endorsement and wants you two to be brand models! A company van will be at your dorm tomorrow to pick the two of you up. Make sure to be ready!"

"Okay!" I chirped.

"Bye then! Have fun tomorrow!" CEO said.

"Bye!" we chorused.

After his call, our chatter was all aroused and happy over the sponsorship.

"We've never had a sponsorship from that type of company!" Seungcheol cheered. "This is amazing! Make us proud Jun and Yuju!"

"We will," I smiled.

For the rest of day, I didn't eat so I could look good for the photoshoot. Jeonghan was a little concerned for me, but I kept telling him I was fine.

"Oppa, for the last time, it's only for this day," I reassured my brother.

"Yuju, you're still growing, you have to eat," Jeonghan insisted.

"You don't have to be so overprotective," I said. "It's not like I'm malnourished or anything."

"I know, it's just that I get worried about you a lot," Jeonghan scratched his head.

"I can take care of myself," I smiled. I gave him a hug and went to my room.

I went onto my Instagram and I put a message out to all of my followers.

Hey guys! I typed. I'm doing a special brand model for @sprite with @junisjunhui tomorrow! Wish me luck<3

I posted it on my story and looked up.

"AGH!" I squealed. Jun scooped me up and put me in his arms.

We sat there in silence for awhile, until Jun spoke up.

"Hyung told me you're not eating," Jun said a matter-of-factly.

"Yeah," I shrugged.

"That's not good!" Jun pouted. "You need to eat food so you don't die!"

"Jun it's fine," I reassured him. "Besides, I weigh almost as much as MINGHAO. MINGHAO. I need to lose weight anyway."

"Minghao is extremely underweight," Jun said. "He's basically skin and bones."

"True, but he still looks normal."

"Yuju! I don't want you to stop eating because of Minghao of all people."

"Okay okay sorry. I won't do it ever again."

"Thank you," Jun smiled at me, pecked my lips, and walked out of my room.

"I LOVE YOU YUJU!" he yelled when he left.

"I love you too Jun!" I said right back at him.

(A/N: yay this chapter is actually happy for once~ also its true minghao is like only 53 kg or something like what the heck how does he live someone pls tell me~ thanks for reading my trash all of you by the way:)


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