Chapter 29 ~ Again

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Yuju's POV

The next day, I woke up with a huge grin on my face. Today was the day our music video with TWICE would be released. It would come out at 6 PM Seoul time.

I leaned over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone. It was only seven in the morning. We had eleven hours until the music video would be released. Deciding to not wake the boys up, I opened up my Instagram.

Instantly, thousands of posts popped up. It was all about the collaboration being released today. ONCEs and CARATs had united and were all rejoicing at the thought of TWICE and SEVENTEEN collaborating. It was clearly a day to celebrate.

Then, I saw something on my profile I hadn't seen before.

There was a small blue circle, complete with a white check mark on the inside. Apparently I had gotten that famous that Instagram had verified that I was actually Yoon Yuju, aka Jeonghan's amazing younger sister. The thought of it made me smile brightly.

After scrolling through my feed and sending my streaks, I got up off of bed and quickly changed. I ran out of my room and into Jeonghan, Jisoo, Jun, and Seungcheol's room

"WAKE UP!" I yelled, sending Jeonghan into a state of shock for a second.

"Why are you up so early?" Seungcheol grumbled.


"Stop being like BooSeokSoon and let me sleep," Jun said groggily.

"YAH JUNNIE DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" I said angrily, but somewhat playfully.

"Sorry Yuju," Jun smiled.

"Can we at least rest and be quiet for a while?" Jeonghan asked.

"Ugh fine," I muttered.

"Don't be mad Yuju," Jun pouted. He walked over to me and picked me up like a little baby and walked into my room. He sat down on my bed and we just sat there in silence for a little while.

"We will meet again," I sang softly.

"Uwuwu you're singing 'MY I'," Jun smiled.

"I like the Chinese version better," I whispered.

"Don't worry, I do too," Jun whispered back. "It's better for me when I get to sing in my first language."

The two of us laid there together, cuddling under the soft quilt that kept us warm. I hugged him tightly and soon fell asleep.


Ten hours later, the fifteen of us were crowded in the living room, awaiting the release of our collaboration with TWICE.

"Five, four, three, two, ONE!" Seungkwan shrieked. "It's out! Let's watch it!"

We pressed on the video link as fast as we possibly could, and the number "2015" instantly popped onto the screen. Bright colors illuminated the screen as each and every one of our faces appeared.

The concept was somewhat dreamlike, mostly because in the song the person is dreaming about the one they love. Overall, it turned out really nicely and I was happy with the result. Views were piling up by the seconds, likes were on an all-time high for SEVENTEEN, and the comments people wrote were really kind and positive.

"Wahh that was really good!" Hoshi clapped.

"I'm genuinely happy with the result," Wonwoo smiled.

"And we're going to go perform on M!Countdown tomorrow!" Minghao exclaimed.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!"

We turned around and TWICE was standing there, smiling at us.

"You guys were shrieking from what we could hear," Jeongyeon grinned. "So we walked inside. Sorry."

"It's okay," Seungcheol said.

"We just wanted to check in," Mina smiled. "We haven't seen each other in a while."

"That was totally directed to Minghao," Sana said out of the blue.

Jun and I giggled.

"Be quiet unnie," Mina grumbled.

"We'll see you tomorrow!" Jeonghan smiled.




A quiet voice whispered in my ear and my eyes fluttered open. I woke up to a smiling Jisoo.

"What time is it?" I grumbled.

"7 AM, I think," Jisoo grinned. "It's time to wake up to get over to M!Countdown. ONCEs and CARATs await us."

"Give me ten minutes," I replied.

After Jisoo left, I showered quickly and pulled on some casual clothes, because Jeonghan had told me they would have clothes for our performance at M!Countdown prepared prior to our arrival. I pulled a black hoodie over my shirt because it was quite cold, and grabbed my phone.

On the ride there, I fell asleep on Jeonghan's shoulder. It was so early. I had gone to bed at around 12 AM the night before, so I was exhausted.

Luckily, the ride to M!Countdown was forty-five minutes, so I got some sleep and felt energized enough to perform.

The second we got out of our cars we were mobbed by fans. Most of them were holding out their phones and were taking photos and videos. Others were just trying to get to us, pushing and shoving everyone else. Thankfully, there was some security, and we managed to get through without anyone getting injured or kidnapped. It seemed as if nothing was wrong.

When we got there, the staff whisked us away to get prepped for our performance. We quickly said hi to TWICE and then scurried off to get changed. All of us changed and then I began doing everyone's makeup, except Jiyeon's who insisted on someone else doing it. There was also the filming for GOING SEVENTEEN and TWICE TV that had to take place, so that also took some time. About an hour and a half later, we were set to perform.

The bright lights shined down on us as the camera moved with us with every step we took. We smiled every second and sang and danced as best we could. Fans cheered with every note that escaped our lips. They held lightsticks and banners. The colors of the lightsticks were rainbows of dazzling colors, and was hands down the prettiest fan lightstick ocean I had ever seen. It was truly magical.

"Everyone, that was AMAZING!" Jun cheered as we exited the stage.

"It truly was," Jeonghan agreed.

"A place for idols that debuted in 2015 to unite," Nayeon smiled. Everyone nodded.

"Let's go and celebrate then, shall we?" Seungcheol grinned.

We all went to a noodle restaurant. The staff were surprised at our large group, but quickly seated us at a huge circular table. I ordered jjajangmyeon — obviously — and everyone else ordered their choice of noodles.

"Let's toast to friendships, music, KPOP, SEVENTEEN, TWICE, and a relationship that will go on forever!" Jihyo cheered.


We all began clinking our glasses of water, cause all of us decided to follow Jisoo's principle of "drink water, not alcohol" for once. Just as everything seemed right, a notification on my phone ringed.

S.Coups of SEVENTEEN was seen giving a dirty look to a fan on his way to perform at M!Countdown.

(A/N: and it restarts! the sasaeng is back! thank you for all of the love and support you guys have been giving me~ it means SO SO SO much:) and yay, you get another update, how nice~ thank you for 1.9K+ reads!!!! you guys rock!)


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