Chapter Four

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"Cole? Cole you're scaring me..." Lauren whispered. Taking a small breath to hold herself together, not wanting to make any sudden movements. In truth his very presence frightened her.

Chills ran down her spine as his fingertips trailed along her back. The only sound she made was a hiccup. A stuttering breath of contained fear escaping her lips.

Very slightly, she pressed them together. Then let them part once again. This action must have drawn his attention there as he reached up his index finger. Reaching it out to her. Lauren held still out of sheer fear. Trying to make a sound to scream for help but it came out only as a squeak.

Slowly, he traced his finger across her lower lip, letting it glide across the surface. Then, his hand was brought to his own mouth. Taking his finger into it and sucking on it slightly. Eyes locked with hers.

Lauren gasped in shock at the twisted, disturbing actions. Starting to pull back and away from him. The man was slow, making a show out of it as he withdrew his finger slowly. Some of his spit stringing from it and dripping down onto his chin. He ran a second finger along it with the first, gathering it into his now shiny, wet skin.

Lightning quick, he grabbed her by the upper part of the back of her neck. In the soft place the short soft hairs grew. Grabbing hold of them with his free hand. Lauren just flailed, trying to free herself from his grasps in the stunned silence.

Within herself, she found the courage to make noise. Not a sound was able to be made as he shoved the two fingers into her mouth. Spinning them around her tongue once. The muffled cries started to sound until he shoved his fingers further back, into her throat.

Choking, coughing, losing air. Lauren looked up at him with shining silver eyes that seemed one shade duller now. More choking but he only pushed further, scraping a fingernail along the soft pink flesh.

"Say one word and I will forever silence you." Cole growled in a deep, demonic tone. His face stayed relaxed, unfazed by the assault. Unbothered by the actions he had just committed. He seemed to have an emotional disconnect from what he had done, making her fearful of what else he could do.

The hand withdrew just as she coughed again. Stomach twisting violently. Her head spun around inside, stars forming as she pulled away as best as she could. Spitting out whatever she could in an attempt to be rid of any of his saliva.

Choking even though his hand was now gone, she coughed and heaved. Doing everything within her power to get such a substance out of her mouth. Unsure if she was completely aware of what just happened. Confused, disturbed, her stomach in knots even thinking about it.

Lauren stared to heave quietly. Choking and grasping for breath as she looked into the eyes of the sickening excuse for human life before her eyes. The very idea if him waking on the same grounds as her and sharing the same air made her nauseous. Let alone any of this.

"Stop that. Sit still." He growled once again. A hand still gripping the soft hairs on her head. Instantly Lauren went still, shaking visibly now as her eyes squeezed shut. Little ragged sounds escaping her in a pathetic substitute for breathing.

Not good enough for him, no, Cole wanted silence. Her moved his hand that was on the back of her neck to the side, quickly adding another. Yet, he didn't squeeze. Instead, he held her there under his grip. Not letting go.

"I love you, Lauren. Be quiet now before someone hears you. I don't want anyone to hear you." He whispered into her ear. Soft little words as his lips brushed her ear. Seemingly, he had no barriers for physical contact any longer. As if he had no concept of what would be any way a moral or value.

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