Chapter Three

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"I had no choice, this was truly the only way for me to get a chance. Look, Mark and I had been friends for years. I didn't want to do it, but he didn't give me a choice." Cole told Lauren still holding her face in his soft, tender hands.

"Didn't you wonder why after years of dating Mark never showed you to his family? Any of his friends other than names or a slight encounter?" Cole questioned. After a moment of looking into her eyes, he went on.

"He was just like me, no, I was always better. He would always lie to you. Deceive you. I would never do such a thing. You're so very important to me. The most important thing to be." Then his large hands still cradled her face.

He was leaving her on edge with every tune he touched her. Not knowing if it would be another sweet embrace. Perhaps he would wrap them around her throat again. Giving her a squeeze hard enough to stop airflow. Perhaps he wouldn't let go.

"Mark was nothing like you." She spat. Eyes going dark at such words. The very man she learned to love ever quirk for was no comparison to the murderer before her. In no way was there any way to show anything alike in the two.

"Please. Please stop." She whispered. All thoughts of the two lost when his large hands slid along her cheeks then down to her throat. Panic arouse within her. He was going to strangle her. A murderer sat with his hands around her throat. She was going to die!

Then, his hands kept going. Sliding down her neck to her collarbones. Lightly tracing over them with his thumbs. Her breathing hitched as he playfully touched the neckline of the hospital gown. Letting his fingertips graze the fabric.

Smallest of all the small whimpers escaped her lips. Causing her lips to part ever so slightly. Cole smiled at this, seeming to enjoy such reactions. His paw like hangs just slipped to graze the skin under the neckline. Just a hair length. Teasing her.

"Maybe you're right... Maybe Mark wasn't who he said he was. Even with that, he will never be like you. He will never be the monster that you are. He would never treat me in this way." Lauren snapped viciously. As if a snake launching out to bite it's pray.

"Oh Lauren... My pretty, pretty Lauren..." He whimpered. Eyes going soft and his strong, muscular arms wrapped around her. So very careful as he moved to hold her to his warm chest. Supporting her arm and careful not to tug on the IV tubes.

"Let go of me, please Cole.." She whimpered very softly. Not wanting to upset him again. Knowing that doing so would be so easy. Fearful that he would hurt her if she did so. That he would lash out at her. This seemed to work because me loosened his grip slightly.

"Thank you... Just like that. That makes me much happier. Thank you Cole." Lauren whispered. Taking a deep breath. She could do this until the nurse came back, then she could tell her. Lauren could get him out.

Deep breath. Deep breath. Lauren told herself over and over. Holding still. Telling herself to just play along with him. That this would all be okay if she went along with whatever he said for now. Trying to be logical in this terrifying situation.

With another deep breath, she sat still. The silence felt cold, piercing to her skin. He felt so warm, pulling her closer. Not warm in the way of a teddybear, but a suffocating warm. A warm that made her curl up with a trembling fear, knowing she was losing power in this situation.

Ever so lightly, she felt his hand start to trace a pattern on her back. Then, onto her side. His hand went down to her hip, then up to where her bra strap would have been if only she wasn't in the hospital gown. That realization made her whimper softly.

Seeming to hear the tiny noise, Cody shifted to sit her in his lap. Holding her as one would a child. Supporting her head and the other arm over her and around her side. His large hand splayed open and pressed to her upper back.

"It's okay to be scare Lauren. I understand. Everything is going to be okay though." The man started. Leaning down to brush her lips across her forehead. Instantly, she froze. Trying to detract him. Bringing him back to his previous statement.

"Tell me; why didn't he show me his family?" Trying to do anything to distract him, Lauren was eager to ask the first thing to come to mind. What she didn't expect was when his eyes went dark.

She knew about Mark's family. He was raised by his aunt and uncle from very early childhood, before any memories he had. Knowing that to him, they were his parents. Also that he didn't have any other relatives that he associated with. This must have been why the answer shocked her so much.

"Because, if you had met his family you would have met me. In which case I would have taken you for myself." Cole said ever so simply. As if it was nothing but a simple fact to him. Common knowledge.

"You are cousins? Step brothers? Or what? I don't understand." Lauren asked, thinking to herself but few thoughts. Most consisting of how lovely it was that her one and only love may be related to a psychopathic killer.

"All in due time my love." Cole told her sweetly. Running soft fingers through the tangled curls of her hair. Getting only a blank look in response, followed by a tiny whimper as he caught a knot in the soft, shiny strands.

"Owe!" She sniffled at the few strands of hair were ripped away. Scared beyond the point her mind could comprehend. She blinked up at him with stormy gray eyes. Even as his arms wrapped around her and he cupped her face, she held still. Frozen in place from complete fear.

"I'm sorry, please don't cry, I'm sorry..." Cole whispered. Leaning down to nuzzle her softly. Worried that she would be upset with him, he didn't mean to pull her hair. The softness of his actions only froze her more. Confused and shocked with every passing second. Each one if them bringing new shocks.

Lauren had much different thoughts on her mind. All in due time? What did that mean? More importantly, Lauren felt the need to welcome him into the twentieth century where people didn't talk like that. She however kept quiet, blinking up at him blankly.

"But I will tell you, I promise Lauren. You've just had enough excitement for one day. You need some sleep." Cole told her running his hand through her hair.

"I've been sleeping since I got here." Lauren replied sharply, not liking being treated like a child. Cole laughed a deep laugh that made him seen almost.... Her train of thought was cut off when she felt him push her down so she was laying again.

"Sleep." He whispered firmly, one hand pressed tight to her chest. His strength preventing her from sitting up, though nothing could prevent her from trying.

With all of her strength, she pushed against him, shoving with her hand. She jarred the needle that connected her to the slow dripping fluid, causing a jagged pain. His warm fingers shifted on her chest, lessening the pressure. However it was no thanks to her fight.

"Do you want me to stay with you? " Cole asked as he pulled the sheets up to her neck. Then leaned away from her; just still sitting waiting for a reply. His hand removed from her chest now and brought to her jaw.

"What do you think, psycho?" She snapped. Curling up as best as she could manage. Even more shocked now. Did he just expect her to agree to him and move along with letting him touch her like this? Though, with hands so close to her throat. With the fact the man could do anything so quick, going along with him might be best for the moment.

"Yes? I think yes." Cole smiled, he then reached out and wrapped his hand around her wrist. At once Lauren noticed how tiny she was in comparison to him when his fingers layered over each other.

Slowly, he traced his own fingers with his thumb as he kept his hand encircling her wrist. Observing how tiny she seemed next to him. She reminded herself of a toothpick that he could snap at any second under his grip. Able to be broken at any second he chose.

Lauren's eyes seemed to go wide as she watched him tighten his grip on her wrist until she cringed, then went soft. Over and over again. As if he was resting his grip. Eyes locked on her in deep concentration, then his hand tightened and Cole didn't let go.

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