Chapter Two

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Lauren awoke with a beeping noise ringing in her ears. Constant, followed by a click every three beats. What on earth was he listening to?

"Mark, turn off the radio!" She grumbled then tried to move her arm, but it was attached. A bit of pain flicked through her wrist as she flexed it. Her eyes flew open to see it was attached to a set of tubes.

"Your awake." A husky voice said; more of a statement than anything else. Then she released that something warm had her free hand. The man was holding it!

Lauren looked around to see white walls, and the sent of bleach filled her nose. The room was mostly empty except a chair, table, and other simple things. Before she could scream out, gather her soundings, the door opened and another woman walked in.

Irrationally, she was much more fearful of the woman in the Easter colored scrubs. She cringed back and gripped to his hand. Then with a snap of realization of who he was and what happened she jerked away quickly.

"Just a nurse." the husky voice said as a lady walked over to her. His footsteps sounded in heavy thuds on the tile floor. Each one if them making her heart skip and sending chills through her spine. Her eyes followed every motion of his broad, muscular frame.

They had a conversation that Lauren couldn't hear. The very thought of him speaking to her made every part of her sick. Every time she tried to speak, she felt his hand grip hers tighter. Frightening her into a stunned silence. After a while of their whispering, the man seemed to anger a bit at the nurse, then he left.

"Sweetie, do you remember what happened?" the lady asked. Lauren searched her mind for last night. Not remembering much other than a fuzzy blur of fear and then, she remembered everything.

"You fainted last night after you were attacked." The woman told her very softly. Sweet and assuring in every way, the nurse went on to tell her that she was safe. In addition, telling her that no one would hurt her or dare to cause her pain.

"Where is Mark?" Lauren whispered, then remembered even more of the horrifying details. The nurse must have released that Lauren remembered because she didn't respond for a while. Lauren looked down at her hand, A ring still incasing her finger.

"He won't hurt you anymore. You're safe now. Mark won't be able to ever hurt you again." The nurse told her after a moment more of watching her. She seemed to be very worried about her, caring of what had happened.

"I know it's rather frightening what he tried to do. You must be beyond frightened. He wasn't able to hurt you though, you have a very amazing man to thank for that." She added. Trying to be helpful and supportive.

Lauren sat still, utterly confused. Ever eyes seemed permanent wide with terror and shock of everything. Even more so after the lady spoke. Her words completely distant from the events she recalled.

"No. No, no, no, no, that's all wrong." She shook her head harshly. Starting to take in tiny, panicked breaths. Overwhelmed with everything. Her hands reached to grip the thin sheets, whimpering and starting to shake.

"Don't upset yourself darling. Relax. I know that what happened was hard. You're alright now. He can't hurt you now." Then she left the room. Closing the door softly behind her. After it clicked shut, Lauren turned to look around at her surroundings more.

Over on the table next to her was a vase with a single white rose. Using the hand free of tubes, she reach out and take the card from it. The sky colored shiny paper lay on the plastic table. With shaking hands, she opened the card to see beautifully stunning, hand written script. Lauren squinted her eyes to read the slanted words.
'Love, Cole'

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