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A/N for those who have already read this book and have been waiting for the new chapter, it starts at Fourteen

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A/N for those who have already read this book and have been waiting for the new chapter, it starts at Fourteen. A few things have changed so I do slightly recommend you read chapter 6, but the plot is still the same so you can continue on without rereading. Enjoy!

It is the first day of school since losing my uncle and aunt. My mom and I moved back to Mystic Falls after they'd passed. We were now living with my cousins, Elena and Jeremy. I knew what it was like to lose a parent. I lost my dad when I was younger to a fire.

Elena seemed to handle it okay, but I think she's just putting up a brave face since she's the oldest. Unlike her, Jeremy has let this affect him terribly, and I'm sad to admit that I'm in the same boat as him.

I've just grown better at hiding it.

I threw on whatever my hands snagged first. I don't have to worry about matching since my main color scheme is black. I will proudly admit to owning a few colorful pieces of clothing items, courtesy of Caroline Forbes. Whenever the stupid town has an important event, I pull those bad boys out.

In the kitchen, my mom is scrambling around as usual. She never really got the whole parenting thing down even after taking care of me. She does her best. Now, with 2 more kids to look after, she's going to need all the help she can get.

When my dad died, it was hard for both of us. I went through a terrible rebellious phase, never thinking about how my mom was dealing with it all. Eventually, I realized I shouldn't spend my life giving her such a shit time.

The only thing I inherited from my mother was her green eyes and nose. I take mainly after my father. My brown complexion, curly hair, ears, humor, you name it. He and I were practically identical. My mom can see me and still have a part in him. I know she sees him instead of me sometimes. I'm glad I can bring her that joy.

"Toast. I can make toast."

"Mhm, burnt toast." I peck her on the cheek as I reach over her to grab a peach from the fridge.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna." Elena poured herself a cup.

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy asks, entering the kitchen.

"Your first day of school, and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?" My mom held out 3 fives. I took two of them and Jeremy took the one when Elena declined.

"Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?"

"Your presentation," I told her. She looked at her watch and realized she was late.

"Have a good day at school, honey." I smiled in response as she rushed out the door. My mom is just the greatest. It's so cute when she forgets her keys.

"Mom.." I call out to her softly while walking out of the house.

"Yeah, Clarisse?" She dug in her purse, not noticing that I'm dangling what she was looking for in my hand.

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