I surrender

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I let my eyes slide close after hearing my dad. That's it. I didn't fight to wake up and hear that. Dean was right my story should end here. I can't fight anymore I'm tired.

Once again I find myself thinking about how I will miss everyone. How I won't ever see Dean or Dad again. This is where my book ends all the chapters finished. The war I'm fighting is done. I surrender.

My white flag is up. That's final. I get a weightless feeling and everything gets brighter.

"Sam!" A familiar voice called.


"Your not supposed to be here." She panicked.

"Where's here?"

"This is the gateway to Heaven, Sam."

"How are you here? Did you die?"

"No I'm just a part of your mind. The part that wants you to keep fighting." She said taking my hand.

"But what if I don't want to fight anymore?"

"Samuel Winchester. You better keep fighting. What if I want a date?" She giggled.

"You're a real comedian." I laughed.

"Keep fighting for me, okay? And especially for Dean, he can't do this without you."

"But I'm the weak link. Wouldn't it be better for me to die?"

"No Sam. Everything would fall apart. Everyone would fall apart. Hell even your Dad would."

"Its not nice to lie."

"That's why I'm not lying. People need you Sam. When are you going to realize your own self-worth?"

"Probably never. You see that's a Winchester thing we have self-hate issues." I half joked but was half serious.

I looked at her one last time before everything faded pitch black.


Dean POV

I waited for hours to see if Sam would wake back up but he didn't. At one point his breathing became very slow and shallow and his heart beat slowed incredibly.

I waited hoping even praying( which Winchester don't do often) that ue would wake up. That his breathing would be normal and his heart wouldn't quit.

Apparently it worked because soon enough it did but Sam didn't wake up. I heard the sound of Metallica float into my train of thought and realized my phone was ringing.

"What?" I snapped upon looking at the I.D.

"Are you Dean?" A female voice asked.

"Depends who's asking."

"I'm a medic. Your father has been in a minor accident due to drunk driving."

"Shit. Is he okay?"

"He's suffered a concussion and a broken wrist but all is fine."

"Oh. Is he at the hospital?"

"Yes and according to the police is being fined."

"Welk did he pay it?"

"Yes and did the paperwork, but its hard to read."

"In case you forgot he's drunk." I commented.

"Speaking of which you need to come get him."

"Of course." I said glancing at Sam. "Ill be there in 20 and believe me he better be ready to go."

I really hated leaving Sam alone while injured but leaving Dad at a hospital or in jail might cause more damage while drunk. I walked in the hospital and immediately spotted Dad sitting on a plastic chair with a cup of coffee.

"You're a dumbass." I said walking over to him.

"Dean. I'm sorry I di-"

"Yeah. Yeah.  I know now lets go."

We made it back to the motel in one piece and I made Dad go to sleep. I sighed and went to make coffee.

I swear if that kid doesn't wake up I'm gonna kill him.

A few minutes later I walk back in drop my mug upon seeing Sam staring lazily at the ceiling. I ignore how the mug shattered and left coffee all over the rug.

Who cares this place is nasty anyways.

"Sam?" I say instantly at his side.

"Dean." He said looking at me.

I gather him in my arms and hold him tight chuckling when he hugged back.

"Don't you ever pull shit like that again." I say into his hair.

"Its not my fault. I had to save yourr ass." Sam joked.

"Well next time don't, okay?"

"Wouldn't count on it." He said after we pulled away.

"Hey Dean?"

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