3: friendship

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words: 1028


The ride there was reasonable. Only 35 minutes deeper into the crowded city. It was a bit difficult to follow after the two since they were ridiculously fast but Katya got there. As she got out with the boxes, she turns to see Elijah's and boy's retreating form, neither one asking if she needed help so all the boxes were in her face, her nose pressed against it as well. As soon as she got into the house, she loses sight of Elijah and the boy. She huffed. He's obviously having a bad day. People kept pacing and walking all around her and she tried desperately to not dropped the food. One little girl stopped beside her making her jerk backwards to avoid hitting her.

"Ay, sorry little one." She looks down at the child staring up at her curiously.

"It's okay. Do y-you help m-miss?" She stuttered out. Katya nods.

"Thanks, darling. Where I'm supposed to put these cupcakes?"

"Course! F-follow me!"

She's about to turn but someone yells, "Maxwell! What did I say- Katya?"

A fiery red-head is making her way towards Katya with a waddle in her step as she holds her swollen stomach. Her eyes are bright brown and her skin was glowing. She wore a long shirt with forming fitting pants. Although she was pregnant, she seemed small.

"Kat!" The women exclaimed with more confidence now. Katya nearly dropped the boxes. Standing in front of her was Zara Champs.

"Z? How are you, Cheri?" Zara's smile grew even wider. Her best friend since high school was standing right in front of her. Not only did she lose touch with because they were going to different schools, but they last time they seen each other, they were fighting. But with the look on Zara's face it seems she completely forgot about it.

"Oh stop it. Come on, the cupcakes go in the back." She begins- grabbing hold of Maxwell's hand- to lead her to the back. As they talked, Maxwell stood between them, asking numerous questions about the cupcakes and how the two girls knew one another. Katya couldn't help but coo the little girl.

When they finally reached the backyard and set the sweets down, she took a moment to look around. She must say is quite beautiful. Push green grass and the tables full of presents. Decoration all around were the color of white and green. People were spread around chatting amongst one another.

"You know it's so good to see you, but I sent Elijah and Oliver to pick them-"

Katya scoffs. "Well that Elijah kid only brought his motorcycle. I kind of had to. But it's worth it, right? I got to see you! Who's the lucky guy then?"

She smiles softer then. "He's name's Ian. He's a bit younger that Elijah. I met him when I was in university my first year. And you know I think one nights stands are gross and that I'd wait till I'm married. When I turned 19 the next week he pops the question. It's been almost two years and now there's a kid in our family."

"Seriously? That's amazing, Z." She smiles some more until the little girl-Maxwell tugs on her shirt. She has the same chocolate skin as Elijah, maybe a few shades lighter. Her eyes are a bit more green that his dark brown ones. Hers were a hazel. She pretty cute and couldn't be a day over four.

"I w-want d-daddy." She said, swinging about.

"Okay baby girl. Let's go. Uh, do you think you're staying Kat?" She grabs the little girl's hand and looks up at her hopefully. Katya bits her lip.

"Which I could darling but I didn't even know! I would've bought something and everything. Maybe next time you have this? When I'm not working? We'll go out for drinks like we use to." She offers. Zara leads her into the house and through the kitchen.

"I can't keep having children, Katya." She giggles and Katya smiles. Suddenly the little girl squeals, her shoes slapping against the floor while she ran.

"D-Daddy!" Maxwell jumps away from the two and into a guy- Elijah's arms.

"Hello baby girl." He smiles brightly and gives her kisses all over her face and she giggles wildly in response.

Something unsettling found its way into Katya's stomach. And it feels so heavy. Like a rock. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other. It gets worse when Elijah and her make eye contact. All that uneasiness intensifies and hits her so hard she had to look away first. The tingles feel hot on her side where the odd birthmark lays. She takes deep breaths and refrained from touching it.

"Yo Z, I need to go. See you later?" Zara nods frowning, obviously confused by Katya's sudden departure. She hugs me and Katya calls her Cheri once more just to see her smile before she made her way to the car.

. . . .

Get back to the bakery feel so good. It was like she could finally get some air in her lungs. The whole drive she couldn't get those two out of my head. That feeling she got on her birthmark fading the farther she got away from there-Elijah.

Before she went into the kitchen to start on the bread making, she hopped on top of the counter, and threw Mia her key. She caught it easily and smiled small. Katya frowned.

"What do you know about that kid?" Her features grew taut quickly and she didn't meet Katya's glaze. "Come on, we can't work together if we're keeping secrets."

She was contradicting herself then. In this past week she's easily lied to Mia about ten times. Maybe more. Dodging questions like 'why'd you move here? How come you're by yourself? Where are those bruises from?' That last question almost made her spit her tea out when she asked. Katya swore at herself for being forgetful in covering them. She really doesn't feel like speaking about her problems to anyone. One being is that she don't have a lot of trust in most people. And two is that she always felt like a whining child. Always complaining about what happened to her.

Mia sighed, fumbling with the dollar in her hand. "Elijah is a friend of mine. And... some people around here thinks he's done wrong. But he hasn't, I assure you!" She spoke quickly. "I just don't want him to get in trouble. He's a good guy that's been through a lot."

She nodded along with her. She knew she was lying. Not about her caring about him but the reason why he shouldn't be here. Something had to be wrong with him. People can't just bit fights. Maybe he's in a gang? Drug dealer? Murder?

These thoughts made her shiver. Uncle Andrew had always had the best for Katya. And he hasn't failed her yet. She knows he wouldn't drop me off in the middle of a bunch of shit like that. He probably scouted this place out before he let her settle in.

"Well. I'm not sorry for the way I acted. You look scared shitless, hun. He looked threatening. I can't just let people walk over the people I like." She says this as she rings out the wet cloth, wiping down the front counter.

Mia beamed, going over to hug her tight. "You like me?" Smiling cheekily.

Katya rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"You like me."


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Also cheri is French for darling.

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