It hurts....😔😔😟😟

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Well this chapter is a little bit sad but there will be some funny parts .

I saw him punching the life out of that bag. He was covered with sweat. He was wearing a tight blue t-shirt which was showing his abs. What can you say. Even words are not helpful to describe him. If you are thinking who it is then let me tell you that it's my best friend Steve. Yes I have a little no a huge crush on Steve Rogers. Well he is my best friend and my fellow avenger but I never had the strength to say him that I like no love him cause I think that it will ruin our friendship. I was admiring his beauty when Bucky said,"Enjoying the view doll."" Hun!! What?? Nonono. " He smirked. I quickly went to my room and locked myself inside. I started reading fanfictions about him. Imagining my future with him made me feel butterflies inside my stomach. I thought about the day when Nat told me to confess my feelings to Steve.


'Isn't he so adorable. Oh he is so cute such a Dorito.' I said..
' Well maybe you should tell him how you feel.' Nat said.
'I am afraid that if he doesn't feel the same way then it will ruin our friendship forever.' I said sadly with small tears forming in my eyes. 'Hun !!!!He treats me as a friend and nothing else. Sometimes I feel like I am being friendzoned. ' I sighed. 'Well you should atleast try . I am sure if he doesn't return the feelings he will still remain your friend.' Sam told.
'I guess so...'

End of flashback

I think Nat is right. I should tell him how I feel. How he drives me crazy with every single comment he gives me. I can't handle this one sided love now but if he likes that bitch. Yeah... yeah.. I am talking about that miss Sharon Carter who thinks herself as miss universe and shows off a lot. Recently she was boasting about her family a lot.


'You know what I am happy . I am so lucky.' She said.
'Why?' I asked.
'What??!!' She exclaimed .
'I mean wow ,how?' I said
'You know what my family is so well to do. I mean they are so decent .'she finished.
I thought to myself...
Oh so your family is so well to do. No no my family is so mannerless . In fact they were so shameless. They were like poor beggars asking for money.

'What are you thinking? ' She asked innocently. That face uh... I wanted to punch that face.
'Nothing. So lucky!!' I said making a wow face.
'Yeah. And you know what my mom and dad never made me work. My mom gave me only high quality dresses to wear. And my dad..... He every time fulfilled my demand. You know what we everytime went to Mac Donalds and many other restaurants to have lunch and dinner.'
I again thought to myself....
No no my parents made me work at factories . It was like child labour. The house in which my parents are living is made by me only. And food.. don't talk about that. I was given only fruits and raw vegetables to eat or leftovers . And clothes.. It was just like rag pieces or torn out dresses. You know What? I was never treated like a child. They never loved me.. I was just a slave working there(Just like Dobby working with the Malfoys)... I thought to myself making the situation funny. Although I was treated like a princess as I was the only child of my family but I never showed off .
'What are you thinking? ' She asked again making that face.
'Nothing so lucky!' I told and thought to myself go to hell.....

Inspired by Ashish chanchalani. When a girl boasts a lot about her family.

End of flashback

I sighed to myself. Maybe I should talk to Steve. I went to the living room to find everyone except Steve. So I went to the gym. I saw Steve was talking to that bitch. I got afraid as my biggest nightmare was happening there. I tiptoed there and tried to listen to their conversation.
'Well Sharon actually I want to tell you that I.. I like you. Actually the first day we met after Peggy's funeral I fell in love at the first sight. So will you be my girlfriend and like to ... a .. go on a date with me.'
My heart stopped .
'OMG yes I would love to Steve and I love you too.' She said and they shared a passionate kiss...
I ran to my room and began to cry their. Nat noticed me and came to my room. She came and sat near me. I began to cry more. 'What happened? ' She asked. 'Ste-Steve asked Sharon. ' I said and started to cry horribly. She tried to comfort me but it didn't work. My heart was shattered. I was depressed. My crush dating my enemy . What could be worse than this. After about ten minutes of non- stop crying I asked Nat ,"Why love hurts so much? You know what Nat it-it hurts. It hurts a lot." and she was speechless. She didn't knew what to say.

After that I was so much depressed that I was totally chanher. Not like the cheered up girl but living all alone and only remaining silent. Steve often asked the reason about the change in my behaviour but I told him that missed my cousin sister who died in an accident but it was a lie because she was alive. How could I tell him the actual reason..........

The End

Sorry if it sucks . Also sorry if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes cause I type very fast😜. It was very difficult to write. I am so sad.😔

- Shriyansha 😀🤗

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