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3k omfggggg I can't breathe. Am so happy🤓😛
Maybe some endgame spoilers in this one. I was crying while writing this . This one's a sad chapter. Maybe the next one will be a fluff one. Sry for the late update.
Warning: Endgame spoilers, Sad and Angst
The reader is Tony Stark's sister.

Y/n's P.O.V

Iron Man....

Tony snapped his finger. We all saw Thanos with his whole army turn into dust. Tony fell on the ground.
"TONY!!" I ran to him and caught him before he fell. "Tony. Hey Tons look at me. Hey hey don't u dare close your eyes okay." He nodded. Suddenly Peter came near us and kneeled beside me.
"Mr. Stark?"
"Hey.... Mr.Stark?Can you hear me?"
"It's Peter. We won. Mr. Stark...." Peter said but Tony was not responding. Tears started to gather in my eyes. Everything was blur now. No no don't think like that fool. Nothing will happen to him. He can't just leave me like that. No he can't. "We won,Mr. Stark . We won and you did it,sir. You did it." No Tons please. Please don't do this to me. "I am sorry..... Tony....." Pepper came and made Peter stand. Tears were running down my cheek. Peter came and hugged me. "Shhh... Nothing will happen to him Pete. Don't worry... Nothing will happen to him. He will be alright...."
"Hey"pepper said.
"Hey... Pep.." Tony said sadly. Pepper touched Tony's arc reactor and said,"Friday"
"Life functions critical."
It was so hard not to cry. I tried but a sob escaped my lips.
"Tony. Look at me. We are gonna be okay."Tony nodded. He looked at me and smiled sadly." Y/n... I am sorry.." Now she was in a verge of crying but she controlled herself. "You can rest now." We all say his arc reactor stopped and a strange sound came from that. Pepper kissed his cheek and started crying.
"No no no. No. Hey Tons you can't leave me like that. No Tony no. Please don't do this with me bro please. I am nothing without you. You are the only family I have and I can't loose you too. Tony please..... Please.." and at that time I was crying while hugging him tightly. "Tony please. I have loosed enough and now I can't. I don't have the strength to. Hey.. you promised me that you will never leave me right. And now you are breaking your promise. Brother pls...." "Y/n...." Steve said sadly putting a hand on my shoulder."NO. GO AWAY. NOTHING HAS HAPPENEDTO HIM.HE IS JUST TAKING A REST... Now after sometime he will wake up.Hey Tony.... please... think about pepper... think about morgan... think about the team... thin-think about mee... please.." And I have lost my everything now. I cried and cried for hours. First nat and now Tony.... this is too much. Losing both my best friends,my sister and my brother..... this is just too much.
And finally the day came which we never in our worst nightmare could think of.... 'Tony's funeral'.

Tony left us a message through one of his suit. "...... I love you 3000.... and Y/n... I am sorry if I have ever hurt you. I love you kiddo and never ever forget that. I don't know what will happen after this but I believe that I will be okay. But if I said IF anything will happen then..... you go to our favourite spot and under the swing you can find a similar suit. Just listen to it daily if you miss me. There are over 5000 videos of us from our childhood till now. I hope you will like it. A beautiful gift for my beautiful sister... Bye." A sob escaped my lips and this time Morgan quickly wiped them. I saw her shaking her head and I hugged her. I kissed her forehead and we all went outside.

Everybody was present their mourning the loss of Tony. Pepper was hugging Morgan tightly and was trying not to breakdown. The sight made my heart break. Me and pepper decorated his arc reactor with flowers which read,'PROOF THAT TONY STARK HAS A HEART'. It was a gift from both of us. It was hard to let it go.

"So... what do you want?" Happy asked Morgan.
"Well your dad loved them too."

"Damn right. He did. Shwarma and cheeseburgers were his favourite." I said. "So wanna go with me to have some really delicious cheeseburgers?"I asked. "Ya."
I smiled at her excitement. "Hey pep... Is it okay if i take my favourite cupcake to have some cheeseburgers?"
"Are you sure??"
"Yes I am. And also you need some time alone. Ok cupcake say bye to momma. "
"Bye mama"

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