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A-N/ Hey there! So most of you may know I did a 'poll' on my other book
The Way She Smiles
On which book I should write, and too be honest I have no idea why I even did the poll because I KNEW which book was gonna win I KNEW this book was gonna win but I did said poll and this book won, however some people wanted the other book. I will be writing this other book as soon as I finish
The Way She Smiles
Or maybe even before that, too be honest I'm kinda bored of writing
The Way She Smiles
So I wanted to move on to other books, however I will try to finish
The Way She Smiles
Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this book

•Lapis's POV•

The day off I was given I spent with my friend Steven, so I wouldn't focus on the case. Steven was a senior in high school and was planning to go to college for Criminal Justice, planning on also becoming a cop when finishing collage. Steven knows how I am and if I was gonna be alone in that house all day with nothing but my thoughts I would've wore myself down even more about this case. I loved having the day off yesterday but duty calls, plus Chief told me to see him today. I put my gun in it's holster and fixed my tie so it wasn't choking me, I left the house locking the door and getting into my police cruiser. I drove to the station. In silence.


As I pulled into the parking lot of the station I glanced at some cars, yes there was the normal police cruisers and SUVs scattered around the parking lot. However there were a few all black, completely black tinted windows, could those be? No. FBI vehicles? I shook it off and stepped out of the car walking inside the building, I walked to the back of the building and up 1 flight of stairs. I walked down the hallway as I noticed everyone seemed more... on edge? I stopped outside the Chiefs door, I could hear some talking behind the door. I inhaled and exhaled sharply as I lifted my hand giving a light knock. The talking stopped.
"Come in!" I heard the Chief say from behind the door. I opened the door and walked in.
"You wanted to see me sir?"
"AH! Lazuli just in time!"
I looked to the side and saw one other person in the room with us, they were about an inch or two shorter then me, blonde hair that was cut in pixie type of hair messy and spike-y, they wore black jeans, black combat boot, a white dress shirt and a green tie. Their eyes were a captivating emerald green. I ripped my eyes from theirs, I looked back at the Chief in confusion.
"This is Agent Peridot Foster from the FBI, we've paired up with the FBI to stop Problem I want you and her to pair up to help solve this case, no if ands or buts." Chief spoke with an amount of authority I've never heard him use towards me. I was not really liking the idea Chief have but I follow orders. I heard a small cough come from the corner. I turned back to look at her.
"As you may already now I'm Peridot Foster, here to help out with Problem." She stuck out her hand towards me, I stared at her for a moment. Should I trust her? I hesitated and grabbed her hand and shook it.
"Lapis Lazuli." I spoke.
I saw her nod and give me a small smile, we both turned back to the Chief.
"Alright, Lazuli I have more details about the most recent victim." Chief turned around and grabbed a folder setting down in front on me. "If possible I would like for you and Agent Foster to investigate the scene and see if anything can be found." She said as I toke the folder and nodded.
"Yes sir."
I turned around and walked out the room with Peridot beside me.

•Peridots POV•

I walked behind Officer Lazuli, I toke one look into her eyes. They were a deep ocean blue, you could tell she hasn't had a decent night sleep in awhile. I also noticed how hesitant Lazuli was when we shook hands, trust issues? She wore a normal cop outfit with the BCPD stitched on to it along with a badge displaying her name, before I knew it we were downstairs and at her desk.
"Agent Foster? Was it?" She spoke suddenly with curiosity in her voice.
"Yes that's it, but just call me Peridot no need to be so formal since we may be hanging around each other a lot. Lapis, right?"
She turned towards me.
"That's right."
I smiled.
"So we gonna head to the crime scene?" I asked and she jumped.
"Oh shoot, yeah sorry let me get some coffee." She laughed and walked off to the staff only room, I chuckled to myself and waited for her to come back. Probably not a morning person. I looked at the time on my watch 8:27 AM damn. Lapis was a strange individual, I've known her for a matter of what 15 minutes and she's already got me so curious about her I can't see straight. When she first walked in to Anderson's office her eyes meant mine, her eyes were very... easy to get lost in.

"Shes kinda cute." I mumbled to myself with a casual shrug.


Lapis's POV•

I stir the sugar into the coffee adding a small amount of vanilla creamer, Peridot Foster.
Peridot, is a unique name I've never heard before.
Foster, is a common last name, hell even a common first name. However they both fit together beautifully.
I sip the coffee out of the cheap styrofoam cup and walk out the room to meet back up with Peridot.
She looked at me and gave a small smile, I responded with my own small smile.
"You ready Lapis?"
I sipped my coffee.
"Yeah, lets go."

A-N/ okay I know I know 1st chapter is kinda boring and dull but BULID UP GUYS! Gotta get some of that ya know.... anyway how do you guys like it so far?

Much love ❤️


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