The All Encompassing City

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Claw opened his eyes and tried to remember what had happened. He remembered, how he had been talking to Mei, when everything had wanished in a deafening sound, blackness enveloping the world. As he tried to remember his whole life, his first memory was a frying pen held in his hand and Alexius's face. He wondered, if it really was everything, but no matter how he tried, he could not remember nothing before that moment.

Something was missing and he did not know what it was.

More importantly, he looked around and could not recognize his surroundings, which would not have been surprising, but the shocking fact was, he did not even understand what the things around him could have been good for. He was lying on a black, partially sticky substance, which created almost a continuous layer on the surface of earth, with some strange white markings on it. Further away were towering huge chunks of rocks, he looked at them closer and assessed, that they were artificial buildings, although it was hard to believe due to their immense height. Looking at them closer, the material was not rock at all, it was all artificial. He could see many of the skyscrapers had been damaged or had completely fallen to the ground. There was not a single one in a good shape.

"What is this palce? A ruin of a city?" If this really was a city, he could not imagine how many people must have lived here before its destruction.

"Why am I in this place?" He remembered they tried to flee through a portal from the disaster happening in the previous world.

"Hey, I can see you are all right. You can help me already!" Claw turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw a hand, sticking from under rubble. He recognized the voice, it was Mei.

"Yes you, big green idiot, get us out of here."

It did not take long and Mei with Davena were rescued from their early graves. They were bruised all over, but they were free. Speaking of bruises, the ones on Mei's body vanished in no time.

"You are still a vampire, that is good."

"Why should I be osmething else?"

"Because something substantial have changed. I can't see my status anymore and there is no portal back. We have experienced some kind of an anomaly."

"We can thank for it to that crazy thing. What the hell it was? Its tip of a tooth was larger than a mountain."

"No idea, it caught us right in the middle of the portal, it must have interfered with it. " In the last second, all of them tried to hide in a dungeon, but had been consumed anyway, while passing through the portal.

Claw looked up at the sun, they could postpone the questions regarding their mysterious appearance to a later date, there was one thing they should do immediately. He opened his mouth to voice his concerns, but Davena was faster.

"What's with the sun here, it burns like hell!" Davena looked at her skin and her eyes widened, this reaction was definitely not normal. All of them noticed, the temperature was high, it was not the mild climate they had been used to.

"Let's hide first and think later." Mei headed in the direction of the nearest building, Claw and Davena followed her. She wondered, where was the rest of their group. Whether they had been killed or not, they were certainly out of reach now.

They entered one of the smaller skyscrapers, which was partially still standing and entered its basement. They found nothing to obstruct their way, there were no signs of life and all the doors had been long since destroyed.

"We better hide deeper in the basement. Don't you know, how long we have been lying out there? " Claw looked at his burned scales and suppressed his urge to vomit.

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