Going Back

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             I was with Harry and I saw Draco with several girls around him he seemed to be happy I guess Harry was being affectionate but when we came to DADA class I could tell my dad wasn't happy he tried to do everything he could to make Harry miserable. I watched him as he was taunting him and my temper was getting the best of me and my hair started to glow everyone took notice of me the room shook and glass broke he turned to see me then went back to teaching the bell rang everyone left but I was stopped by him Harry said "I'll meet you in the hall" he kissed me on the cheek and walked off I said "Why did you do that for dad?" he said "He deserved it" I said "He's my boyfriend I don't see that?" he said "Boyfriend? Him? What happened to Draco Malfoy?" I said "We broke up" he said "You don't understand Raven you and him can't break up" I said "What do you mean? We just did" he said "I and your mother were going to wait till you turn 17 but since this has happened fine I'll tell you" I saw him trying to get his words straight I said "Wait till I'm 17 why?" he said "You're to marry Draco Malfoy" I said "No, I am not I love Harry" he said "This is the end of discussion Raven" I said "17 that means I'm of age and I will marry whoever I want and that ain't Draco" he grabbed me by the arm hurting me he said "You will do what I say or else" I saw the anger in him like before my temper was getting to me as I shook the entire room he said "You need to control your temper daughter you may overexert yourself" I walked out of there. I was walking with Harry when I felt light-headed he said "You okay Raven" I said "I'm fine" we went into Gryffindor Common Room and I felt light-headed again I said "I'm going to my room" he said "I'll see you tomorrow" I was going up the steps when my vision got blurry I missed a step and tumbled down the stairs and hit my head on the floor Harry turned to see me there he went running he said "Raven, RAVEN!" people came out of nowhere and went running about I kept hearing Harry call my name but next thing I know everything was drained out a ruffling sound.

              I woke up to a room it was white and ceiling as well I heard voices I saw Ginny and Hermione I said "Where am I? What happened?" Hermione said "What do you remember?" I said "You tell me?" Ginny said "We were in the Department of Mysteries Death Eaters were around us shooting spells about next we know you were between Sirius and Bellatrix we saw a green flash and you were blasted back into the archway and Sirius on the ground" I said "Is Sirius okay?" Hermione said "He's fine, banged up but grateful he isn't dead he's with Remus Lupin at the moment" I said "Where's Harry?" Ginny said "With Dumbledore at Ministry" I said "Thank you I think I'm going to sleep now" I made it back but this is my home I saved Sirius' life so there's that I guess the notion of having my dad as my teacher is image I can't shake from my mind ever. I woke up during the night to someone holding my hand I said "Harry?" I couldn't see anything it was dark I raised up someone sat down beside me I could hear their breathing I said "Harry are you okay?" the next thing I know I felt lips on mine and I kissed back I thought it was Harry when I broke from the person they said in my ear "I love you Raven, I'm sorry for what I did to you last year when we were together and what Pansy did to you" I knew it was Draco I said "Draco, what are.." he kissed me again and for some reason I could tell he meant it as we were making out on the hospital bed I had to stop because of Harry I'm with him he looked at me he said "I'll fight for you if I have to" he then left I'm having rotten luck two boys I've dated are in love with me and both willing to do everything in their power to have me I don't know what to do.

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