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Aubrey stared at herself in the mirror in her underwear, uneasy at the sight in front of her.
She let out a heavy sigh and pinched at the skin of her stomach. She checked every angle, pinching the skin in places she didn't want there to be a lot of.
She looked to her right and saw the red gown Jack had specifically picked out for the Grammy's for her. He said red was always her color and he knew her better than anyone else.
Tonight was Adam, Jack, and Ryan's big night. They finally made a nomination for the Grammy's and Aubrey was Jack's plus one for the night. This was such a huge accomplishment for the boys, but with her nerves and stress, she didn't know if it was the right night.
She took the dress off of the hotel hanger hesitantly, almost as if it was going to blow up like a bomb. She slipped one leg in following the other and shimmied herself into the red silk gown. She struggled with the zipper and finally gave up, kicking off the dress in the corner.
"That's it," she whispered to herself, throwing herself down on the hotel bed. "I'm not going."
"Babe, I-" She heard Jack say as he entered the hotel room. He was already dressed in his tux, trapper hat included. "Aubrey, what's wrong?"
She hadn't even notice it, but tears were streaming down her face. Her waterproof mascara held together, not smudging the makeup she had on. She looked up to her boyfriend and felt disgusted.
"I'm sorry Jack," She said, trying to cover her exposed self from him. "I don't think I can go tonight."
"Love," Jack said to her, kneeling in front of where she was sitting on the bed. He combed back a piece of her hair that was dangling out. "What do you mean?"
"I'm going to look like a huge red balloon out there, Jack!" She said in a loud tone. Jack was taken aback at her words, none of which were true. "That dress is too tight and when you guys win, they'll pan the camera over to us and the whole world will laugh at me."
Jack was silent for a second then a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.
"So you think we are gonna win?" Jack said jokingly to lighten the mood.
"Jack," Aubrey laughed, covering her face from laughing and crying.
"Here," He said standing up and holding out both of his hands. She looked up at him in confusion. "Here." He repeated.
She took his hands cautiously and stood up. Jack grabbed the dress from the corner and opened it up for her to step in. She did so and he pulled the dress up and zipped it in the back with no struggle.
"Id look dumb with my red tie if I didn't have my beautiful girl in the red dress by my side, now would I?" He asked as they stared in the mirror.
"I'm far from beautiful, Jack," She said, looking at the ground as Jack hugged her from behind.
"Really?" Jack asked laughing. "Then Who is this amazing, talented, beautiful girl standing in front of me right now? Those eyes, that hair, those legs-"
Jack pinched her thigh, a tickle spot only Jack new about. She let out a yelping laugh and jack smiled.
"And that smile," he said finally. "That damn smile of yours seals the deal for me, my love."
"You're just saying all these things," Aubrey said, looking at him in the mirror.
"I'm saying what I see," he said, kissing the top of her shoulder. "And what I see is my future in front of me."
She smiled and turned around to look Jack in the eye. She cupped his face in her hand and stared at him.
"When you talk down about yourself, it hurts me," he said quietly. "You're the most amazing woman I have met and to think that anyone walking on this Earth thinks differently astounds me. The whole world should know how amazing and beautiful my girl is."
"I am your girl," Aubrey smiled, taking him all in.
"And my girl is gonna show all of those bitches tonight who is the hottest one out there," Jack laughed. Aubrey covered her face in laughter.
"You're going to embarrass me tonight, aren't you Metzger?" Aubrey laughed.
"Like Will And Jada Smith, my love," He smiled and planted a kiss on her lips softly. "Just know you will always be the prettiest girl at the ball."

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