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So Aidan said that "Hold My Girl" by George Ezra would make a very cute Ryryn one shot and that just melted my heart so here I am writing myself another one shot lmao.
    "You're got your lucky pair of sock right?" Camryn said, running around the apartment like a maniac, stuffing suitcase after suitcase of Ryan's things. "Lucky socks, AirPods, extra toothpaste-"
      "Yes babe," Ryan said from the living room as he zipped his laptop and sound mixer machine away in their cases. "Lucky socks, AirPods, and so much toothpaste a dentist would cringe."
     "Okay," She said, coming into the living room with three suitcases behind her. "I think you're all good. I even packed you a bag of quarters so when you guys stop for laundry you can have that. I also-"
     "Cam," Ryan said, walking over to her. He placed his hands on either side of her. He did this to calm her fast pace mind. "I'll be fine. This isn't my first tour."
     "It's my first one to send you off on," She said quietly. "Sorry, I just- it's gonna be quiet around here without you and Jack."
     "You'll have Aubrey, I'm sure you two will get in enough trouble without Jack and I's help," Ryan smiled.
      "You know what I mean," she said, letting out a small laugh. "I don't know how I'm gonna fall asleep without your loud snores and little talks you have to yourself in your slee-"
      "Okay, this isn't pick and prod at Ryan time," he laughed, pulling her close to his chest. "I don't know how I'll sleep tonight without you beside me."
      "Cliche, Metzger," Cam laughed against his chest, his comforting smell filling her nose and calming her fast heart. "But you'll figure it out. Both of us will."
      "Six months," Ryan said quietly, lightly kissing the top of her head. "A few countries and states between us, but only six months."
      "Only," Cam repeated, her heart quickening again. Ryan pulled her away to say something to her, but Cam stopped him. "We should head to the bus garage, you're going to be late."
      "You sure?" He said, looking at his watch. "Oh yeah, you're right we need to head out."
      Camryn smiled and watched Ryan pick up his book bag with his laptop and stuff while reaching for the suitcases. She crossed her arms over her chest as she looked around, the apartment already too empty.
     "You coming Miss 'we are going to be late'?" Ryan laughed, grabbing his keys off of the key ring by the front door. Cam laughed and walked over to slip on her shoes, Shay going wild.
     "I'll be back Shay-bug, don't worry," Cam said smiling down at the dog.
     "Bye Shay," Ryan said, saying his millionth by to Shay. He slipped on a baseball cap and held the door open for Camryn to leave the room.
     Cam and Ryan left the apartment, both of them wheeling suitcases behind them towards the elevator at the end of the hallway.
     Cam sat in the passenger seat of Ryan's car, holding onto Ryan's hand the whole silent car ride to the garage. Ryan made small circles on her hand with his thumb, silently telling her it will be alright.
    Ryan turned down the road, the big tour bus in sight. Camryn could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she saw everyone packing up the tour bus. She glanced over at Ryan, whose face was smiling so big with excitement. She knew how much this meant to him.
     Ryan pulled into a parking spot next to Adam and Jack's cars. Jack and Aubrey were sitting on the hood of their car while Adam and Emily loaded Adam's things into the bus.
     "Bout time you guys got here," Jack laughed. "Ready for the coffin like beds tonight?"
      "More than ever. I definitely won't miss my Tempur-Pedic mattress or my snuggled over here."
       Ryan laughed as he pulled Camryn into a suffocating hug, squeezing her tight in his arms. Camryn laughed but deep down didn't want the hug to end.
      "I won't miss Aubrey's snores," Jack laughed, eating the last of his fries from his box. Aubrey punched his arm lightly, taking offense.
      "It's not my fault I'm a deep sleeper," Aubrey whined, laughing as she finished her take out food.
       "Alright guys," Ezra said from the bus door. "Five more minutes till we head out."
       "Cmon," Jack said to Aubrey. The two climbed off of their hood and entered the bus.
       Camryn half sat on the hood of Ryan's car, her hands in her sweatshirt pockets. She stared at the bus  as Ryan sat beside her, placing his arm around her.
     "Six months," He whispered, looking up at the dark grey clouds above them. "And you'll even come out to a few shows too. And we will call, and FaceTime, and text, and-"
     "I get it," Camryn said in a snappy tone. Ryan took his arm away from her, stuffing his hands in his pockets just like her. "I'm sorry, I'm just not excited to be losing you for that long. To not be seeing you everyday."
      "You'll still see me everyday," He said, shrugging his shoulders. "Just don't worry about it too much. We will get through this."
      "Ry," Jack called from the bus. "We need to head out."
     "Okay," Ryan called back to his brother, giving him a thumbs up. He turned to Camryn, opening his arms wide. "Come here."
     "Come here," Ryan repeated, waving his arms open again. "I just wanna hold you for a second."
      Camryn stood back up, placing herself perfectly in Ryan's arms. Camryn could feel Ryan rest his head on hers, pulling her closer and closer.
      "Ryan, we need to-"
       "Give me a minute," Ryan called back to Jack. He placed his cheek back on Cam's head. "I need a minute to hold my girl."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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