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Ryan stood at his keyboard and setup with his headphones on and his whole soul engaged into the song he was producing.
Kiana loved to sit and watch as he fumbled with a beat or when he struggled to try to find the right melody. He always fascinated Kiana with his impeccable talent, something that took her aback.
She sat in the couch parallel to Ryan's set up. Jack was out for the day with Adam downtown and Ryan didn't tag along because of his meticulous work and detail he put into the songs for the album.
Kiana sipped on her tea as she looked lovingly to the man frantically pressing buttons and shifting chords around. She was almost entranced in him, and jumped when he called out for her.
"Babe," Ryan said, snapping her out of her daydream. "Come help me."
Kiana set her mug on a coaster and walked over to the piano, questioning what he wanted her to do.
   "Tell me," He said pausing as he flipped through the many files on his laptop screen. "If you like this spoke step."
   Ryan pressed play on the laptop after he slid the headphones on Kiana's head. She adjusted the headphones and was immediately greeted by the crazy sounds pouring through the speakers.
   "Okay, that's number one," Ryan said, almost in an 'in-the-zone' type of moment to the computer. "And here's two."
    Kiana listened to both of the spokesteps, barely hearing any differences from the two. She smiled and took the headphones off.
   "Well," she sighed. "I like number two because it has more you in it."
    Ryan broke his seriousness and let out a blushed smile. His eyes fell to the ground as his cheeks grew in size.
   "You always know what to say, huh?" Ryan laughed, dragging the spokestep into the song file that he was working on.
    "Because I know you," She said and came behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She had to look up to see Ryan because of how tall he was.
    Ryan turned around and wrapped his arms around her in a hug, placing his hands on her shoulders so he could take her all in.
   "You know who has the best smile in the whole world?" Ryan asked her, smirking down at Kiana.
    "Hmm, I don't seem to know," Kiana said with sarcasm in her voice. She laughed and looking lovingly into Ryan's eyes.
    "Her name starts with a K," he smiled pulling her closer to him. "And ends with iana."
     "Really? Cause I thought it was that one guy who is the love of my life?" Kiana said with a face confused look. When Ryan blushed, her confusion turned into laughter as they both busted out in it.
    "Babe," Ryan said after his laugh. "My smile only exists because of you."

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