Chapter IV

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By the time the next week rolled around, Lukas had stopped worrying about the incident between him and Isaac on his bed, he hadn't forgotten though. The first two hours passed with ease and he and Adelaide decided to eat outside to avoid Aiden.

"We should invite Isaac," Adelaide suggested.
"But I need to talk to you about what happened on the weekend without him around."
"Then tell me fast because I can see him and I'm inviting him to sit with us, stop being a pussy."
Lukas gave a rushed analysis of the events that took place between the two boys at his house while they walked over to Isaac.

Outside the three ate their recess under a tree, it wasn't weird between the two anymore and they were having fun, until Aiden saw them.
"What are we talking about?" He asked, sitting down with the three of them and pretending to be interested.
"What do you want, Aiden?" Adelaide asked.
"What? I'm just sitting down with my friends, chatting."
"Piss off," mumbled Isaac.
"What was that?" Aiden asked, pinning Isaac down and climbing on top of him, "say that again."
Aiden began swinging his fists at Isaac hitting him in the face over and over while Isaac reached his hands up to try and push him off. Adelaide and Lukas stood up and tried to drag Aiden off of him, pulling him back on top of them on the grass. Adelaide clung to his back with her legs around his waist and her arms under his armpits connecting at the back of his neck and Lukas stood on his hands, pressing them into the ground. When Aiden calmed down Lukas went to help Isaac who was crawling toward the tree to use as a crutch to stand, he held his hand out to Isaac and felt a blow to his ribs that sent him to the floor with a thud. Lukas looked up and saw Aiden grab hold of Isaac's head and bring it down onto his knee before Adelaide tackled him to the ground, pinning him with her knees on his stomach and neck and her hands on his wrists while Lukas called over the duty teacher.

Lukas took Isaac to the sick bay and Adelaide stayed with the teacher to tell him what happened. The office lady told them that given their circumstances that Isaac would have to go to hospital just to be sure and that Lukas couldn't go with him.

Isaac wasn't at school the next day. When he came back on Wednesday he had a split lip and eyebrow and bruises all over his left cheek and nose. Aiden didn't have a scratch on him when he returned on Friday of only a three day suspension.


That weekend the two boys met at Lukas's house to go together to his favourite place to do the interview. The whole bike ride to the spot, Lukas refused to reveal where they were going. They soon reached a line of towering trees, Lukas closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, before walking  his bike to the tree line.
Beyond the first, even row of trees were more trees, they stood tall and placed randomly through the dirt and leaf strewn floor, the sun was shining gold through the leaves high above them and making everything around them glow, it was easy to see why this was Lukas's favourite place.
They continued down the path, mostly in silence, but not at all awkwardly, until they came to a stream. It was like something out of a fairy-tale and Isaac wasn't completely sure that he wasn't just dreaming, the water sparkled where the sun hit it and flowed softly downhill, it had large, stepping-stone-like rocks protruding from the water all the way across that Lukas had moved there years before, the stream was surrounded by the same trees that casted a light shade over-head.

"Ok, so I'll set up a camera right here on a tripod and you set up one in the tree over there for the interview," said Lukas.
"Do you want to go through the questions before we start so that you have answers prepared?"
"No... surprise me, make it look real, we can edit it if it looks bad."
Isaac adjusted the cameras and sat down, he out of view of one camera and the the other was pointed directly at him. "Ok, introduce yourself, tell me a bit about you."
"My name is Lukas Scott, I am seventeen years old and I am a year eleven at Wayward High School in Western Australia," Lukas said in response.
"Ok Lukas, I'm going to ask you some questions and then after you've answered them we are goung to play a game. Let's start off simple, what is your favourite colour?"
"I would have to say green," Lukas answered simply.
Isaac nodded and moved on to the next question. "What is your favourite book?"
"The Mortal Instruments series," he answered, "I don't have a favourite one in the series but I've only just finished reading it; you should read it sometime, the author is Cassandra Clare."
"I'm not much of a reader, but if there is a movie out about it I might give that a go. Next question, and this is where it will start to get more personal, who do you care about most in the world?"
Lukas thought for a moment, he knew his answer but was trying to word it in his head, "My little sister, Keeley, she's fourteen years old and she's got Aspergers, it's hardly noticeable, but she's different. She can be a pain sometimes just like any sibling would be but I love her and I feel like I need to look after her in a world that might treat her as different."
"That's so sweet." Isaac said smiling; he looked at his notebook before asking the next question. "You picked this place to be interviewed because it's your favourite place in the world, can you tell me a bit about the place?"
"Look around," Lukas said gesturing with his hand so that Isaac would follow with his eyes. "It's beautiful, I used to come here when I was bored or upset or just needed to get away from things. I sometimes would bring Keeley with me. She would teach me about the types of plants or what caused the water to look the way it did, she's smart, much smarter than me, but when I'd come here alone I would read or draw, I'm actually really good at art; not as much at filming as the rest of it though."
Isaac smiled widely at his rambling, "Ok, last question, what is something you find fascinating to watch?"
Lukas barely had to think before he answered, "Eyes, eyes and stars," he said. "I like looking at stars because they're peaceful, for some people knowing how small you really are in a universe this big is unnerving, I find it reassuring, I don't exactly know why but I do, I love laying under the stars and staring up at them, thinking or staring blankly. Eyes however, they are beautiful, I said before I like drawing, I like drawing eyes because they are all different, I like exploring the colours and patterns, I like describing them in stories and I like looking at them when I meet people."
Isaac was smiling even bigger at Lukas's last answer, "Thank you, Lukas, for giving insight into your life," Isaac spoke as he switched cards.
"Now we are going to play a game," Isaac said, pulling a box from the ground next to him, "put this in your mouth and read a card and I'll try to guess what you're saying"

Lukas took the piece of plastic from Isaac, "I think I've seen this game before on YouTube."

The boys finished the game and packed up the cameras.

"So what now? We've finished the interview, do we just go home or do we stay here for a while?" Isaac asked.

They packed up the cameras into a bag and Isaac hung it over the branch of a tree whilst Lukas started crossing the stream.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Isaac called.
"What does it look like, come on."
Lukas leapt from stone to stone with ease, he'd done this for years, Isaac, however, didn't have the practice that Lukas had and kept slipping.
Lukas looked back at the boy trying to steady himself on a wobbling rock and started to head back toward him.
"This one is a bigger jump, take my hand and jump, I'll pull you in," he instructed, extending a hand.

Isaac reached out and grabbed a hold of Lukas's wrist and pulled him so that he had no choice but to jump, his feet slipped on the rock and he fell backwards, pulling Lukas down with him. Isaac landed in the water, it was more shallow than he had thought and his back touched the floor, Lukas was laying on top of him, he had one leg on Isaac's right side and the other between his legs, it was a very close call; his hands were either side of Isaac's chest and their faces were just a little bit too close together. They lingered like this for a moment before Lukas stood up abruptly, he held out his hand for Isaac to take and they made their way back to the other side of the lake, completely drenched.
It made for an uncomfortable bike ride home but it didn't stop Lukas from smiling.

Isaac stayed at Lukas's house for dinner that night, they had spent the afternoon lying in the backyard drying off in the sun and eating fruit with Keeley that Mrs. Scott had cut up for them. When it was time for dinner the three of them sat on a platform in the tree outside of Lukas's window that Lukas and Keeley built with their dad as kids. They ate barbecued sausages off of plastic plates while their parent's sat below them on the grass. They stayed up there talking for hours and Isaac began to understand what Lukas had meant about Keeley being special, she wasn't really different from the two boys but when you looked hard enough you could notice little things like the way that she didn't always think about what she was going to say before she spoke, or the fact that she remembered random information that would seem insignificant to most and the way that she was much smarter than the two boys. She also didn't like sitting still for long, she was constantly changing where she sat fidgeting, but nonetheless she got along with the two boys as though there was nothing different about her.
At nine o'clock Lukas's parents came up to his window and took Keeley to bed. "You have half an hour and then it's time for bed," Lukas's parents told him, "If you want to stay over, Isaac, that's ok but make sure you tell your parents." And then they left.
Isaac had never planned to stay the night but he stayed the extra half an hour, scooting closer to Lukas, "I like Keeley, she has a very different way of thinking, she's not like anyone I know, but it's good."

Isaac looked into Lukas's eyes, inching closer. "You said you like describing eye colours today, how would you describe mine, I don't know if you can see them all too well in this light."

"Like the reflection, not that actual thing but the reflection, of leaves from trees in the woods just below the surface of glistening water, glittering with gold from the sun shining brightly on the surface," Lukas thought out loud, going from memory.
Isaac recalled the woods that they had visited earlier that day and closed the gap between them; their lips sliding together with ease; Isaac reached up and tangled his fingers in the base of Lukas's hair, at last he pulled away and leaned his head on his shoulder.

"I have to go home," Isaac sighed after a moment, "I'll see you tomorrow," he climbed down the tree and got on his bike, looking up toward the window where Lukas sat looking back at him and smiled before riding home.
That night, Lukas laid in and couldn't stop smiling to himself.


A/N If anyone reads this I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I updated, it's been a stressful year. It's been almost a year since I last updated.

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