Chapter VI

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I think I'm probably very overly-descriptive with character looks, I don't mean to be I just like people having the right idea about how I imagine them to be. I'm going to go and create a character key at the start of the book so maybe from now on I can cut back on descriptions.

Reminder to please let me know if anyone reading these has any feedback for me, I legitimately have no clue if this story is ok.


Lukas didn't speak to his parents and Keeley kept her promise, he was going to do it in his own time but he hadn't given it any thought on how it would go down. At school, in art, Lukas and Isaac sat together and talked in hushed whispers about what happened after Isaac left the day before.
"So, how did it go?"
"I texted you last night?" Lukas responded in a questioning tone.
"You said, 'Its all good', that is not a response. What actually happened?"
"She promised to keep her mouth shut. I said I wanted to tell them myself."
"Is she okay with it?"
"Yeah, she is the most open-minded person I know."
"Ok, well... we really need to get some of this work done 'cause we haven't done like any work and we only have a couple of weeks left," Isaac changed the subjects.
"Well what can we even do? Unless your favourite place is here at school then we cant film. I don't see the point in editing the first interview, not until we've done both in case we need to change something in one based on the other one."
"Well we could write some questions, make sure the video files work on the computer, use the school Wi-Fi to download an editing program."
"I'll write the questions then."

After school that day Adelaide, Lukas and Isaac were sitting in their spot under the tree before going home. People were still leaving and talking on their way out. Adelaide was explaining to them about a concept known as the Mandela effect; Lukas was listening intently, that is until Isaac began leaning in closer to rest his head on his shoulder. Isaac craned his head into Lukas's neck and began kissing it softly; this distracted Lukas from Adelaide's explanation, he tried to subtly push him away, knowing that it were it not enough that they were in public it would still make Adelaide uncomfortable. His attempt to discreetly went unnoticed by Adelaide and also apparently by Isaac as well, who didn't give up, but rather lifted grabbed Lukas's jaw and kissed his cheek before turning his head to kiss him on the mouth; it was barely a peck but Lukas blushed a deep red. Isaac smirked at the other boy's reaction and laid his head down in Lukas's lap, closing his eyes.
"I should go," Adelaide said, smirking as she stood up, but the smirk faltered as she looked behind the boys at the group walking their way. "Incoming," she said, flatly causing the boys to look in the direction she was staring at with her jaw jutted out.
Lukas spotted Aiden and a couple of his friends walking in the direction of the tree, they didn't seem to have noticed them yet, they were just laughing and hitting each other, their booming voices were the only thing Lukas could hear over the sound of his blood pumping extraordinarily loud in his head. Isaac squeezed Lukas's hand tighter.
"Oi, Scott!" Aiden yelled, noticing them.
"Ya prick, can't ya talk?"
"I can talk," Lukas said quietly, squeezing Isaac's hand back just as tightly.
"Oh shit," Aiden laughed, wacking one of his friends in the chest, " you two a thing?"
Lukas let go of Isaac's hand quickly but Isaac grabbed it back and stepped forward confidently. "Yes, we are. We're gay, which means that he obviously didn't try to get with Josie."
Aiden  smiled, it looked dangerous, murderous even, before running full speed at Isaac and knocking him down into the dirt. "You dirty fag, you don't have the right to talk to me like that, not while saying something that disgusting." He was holding him by the jaw and squeezing tight to hold his head firmly against the ground; Isaac's jaw was visibly bruising under Aiden's grip, his hands trapped at his sides by Aiden's legs.

Adelaide stepped forward to pull Aiden back but he pointed at her, and without looking, said "take another step dyke, this is boys time." Before being grabbed by one of the other boys who whispered, with his mouth pressed right against her ear, "I bet I could show you a good time, make you like men."
"Oh, I like men, and to be honest, you aren't one!" She lifted her legs from the ground and forced all her weight down, pulling the boy to the ground. Lukas finally reacted to the scene before him and grabbed Adelaide's arm to pull her out of the grip of the boy on top of her and they both struggled to get Aiden removed from Isaac. The two other boys made no attempt to stop them, they stood back and watched, conflicted emotions crossing their faces. They pushed Aiden onto his back and Lukas kicked him in the head before the three took off running, the other two rushing to Aiden to help him up.

"You okay?" Adelaide asked Isaac while Lukas examined his jaw.
"I'm okay, its fine," he said, grabbing Lukas's hands and pulling them away from his face to hold them. "I'm good."
"Well if you're both okay, I'm going to head home."
Lukas looked at Isaac, slipping his hands out of Isaac's grip.
"I'm sorry, this is my fault. I started this ."
"What he did today wasn't because of you. He is homophobic and didn't like me talking back to him, that's his fault."
"If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't have ever been on his radar."
"You didn't do anything wrong that night from what you've told me. Josie did that."
"Yes, Josie?" Isaac was confused.
"Josie has two mums, if I told her why I rejected her and what Aiden has been doing to us I'm sure she would know how to stop this."
"Okay, so we need to talk to Josie," Isaac said, "do you have her number?"
"No but I have her on like every social media."

Tuesday began and Lukas and Isaac waited outside by the front office.
"What do you want? Why do you have to talk to me 'urgently'?" she questioned, air-quoting with her fingers.
"We wanted to talk to you about getting Aiden to stop."
"Stop what?"
"You know what."
"After what you did at the party?" Josie asked, still pretending that it was Lukas who had made a move on her.
"Cut the crap Josie," Isaac butted in, we all know what really happened that night, you need to learn to handle rejection better."
Josie's smile disappeared.
"Josie," Lukas took over again softly, "I'm gay, that's why I rejected you that night. I'm not going to tell anyone else what really happened, but you need to call him off. He has started beating us for being gay now. Its not about 'your honour' anymore."
Josie faltered for a moment, "he's not homophobic, he ca-, he's met my parents, he loves them; we talk about things all the time, I would know, I-"
"Josie! Yesterday he held me down and gave me these bruises," Isaac gestured to his face, stepping forwards causing Josie to flinch. "He repeatedly called me a dirty fag and tried to break my jaw."
"I'll see what I can do, I'm sorry." She was looking at the floor, trying her best to avoid eye contact.

For the rest of the day whenever Aiden saw the two boys he looked at the floor and kept out of their way.
"So, what happened?" Lukas asked Josie when he saw her after school.
"I dumped him."
"So why is he leaving us alone?"
"I threatened him, I have screenshots of things, I know all sorts of things that could get him in trouble; and without me, he is no longer 'popular' and I will ruin his life if he tries anything." She turned to leave, "And Lukas," she looked back at him for a brief moment, "I'm sorry... for everything I did."

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