Chapter II

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The next day at school, Lukas arrived just as the bell went, throwing his bike against the bike rack when he couldn't get it into the slot, and racing up the stairs to the art room, a small building positioned off to the side of the school, completely disconnected from the building itself.

He entered the room, out of breath and breathing heavily, crashing into the seat closest to the door, knocking it over and repositioning it into a standing position before taking a seat.

Not too many people noticed the uncoordinated entrance from Lukas as they were all scattered throughout the room setting up their stations. However Lukas noticed the one person he wanted least in the world to notice him messing up, watching him and trying to stifle a laugh; Isaac.

Lukas loved art, it was his favourite subject; he was good at it too, he had an amazing skill set when it came to drawing and painting, however the boy had a short attention span, which wasn't always a bad thing in a subject such as art, but today he got lost in thought, thinking about the boy across the room, he watched him carefully, taking in every detail of the boys face, studying him and imagining what it would be like to draw him. He heard the teacher finish her instructions as he snapped back to reality.
"Pair up!" she shouted loudly.
Crap he thought, what did she say.

He looked around the room, trying to figure out what the rest of the class was doing. As a last resort he considered asking the teacher, which would mean admitting that he wasn't paying attention, when Isaac tapped his shoulder.
"Hey, sorry, you're the only person I know here," he said, "do you maybe want to work together?"
"Sure, I just-uhh, wasn't listening, can you explain what we're doing?"
Isaac smirked and breathed a laugh before explaining the assignment to Lukas. "We have to pick a topic, anything we want, and make a film project."


At lunch Lukas walked toward the table he sat at every day with a small girl with cocoa skin and messy-light-brown hair with pink streaks named Adelaide, they weren't really close but neither of them had other friends at the school, he looked up from his tray and noticed that Isaac was sitting next to Adelaide, laughing. Lukas's heart fluttered at the sight and he approached the table, but before he could reach it he was shoved against the vending machine with a force so violent it couldn't have been an accident.

"Hey Scott," came Aiden's voice mockingly.
Lukas looked down at his clothes, he was covered in pizza sauce all down his shirt, he didn't lift his head as he saw Aiden's feet in front of him.
"You didn't think you were going to get away so easy did you?" his voice was calm with a hint of a laugh behind it as though it was all just a joke.
"Yeah, kinda," Lukas responded, head still down.
"Look at me!" Aiden demanded in a harsh whisper next to Lukas's ear making him look up in surprise at how close he was. "I can let go of you flirting with my girl, it was a party, we all make mistakes right," the hint of a laugh was back but only for a moment, "except you had to make me look bad in front of everyone I know."
Lukas would have laughed at the sight were he not so intimidated, the jock bullying the loner-kid, his two lackeys by his side, it looked like something out of a stereotypical film.
"Aiden, please just let it-" before he could finish his sentence Aiden had punched him in the stomach, making him double over in pain, Lukas looked up and noticed that some of the people at the tables closest to them were staring, he noticed Isaac coming over to break up the fight and steadied himself, punching Aiden in the jaw before Isaac could stop him.
Aiden looked taken aback but it was quickly masked by anger as he stepped forward.
Isaac skidded to a halt between the two boys, arms outstretched between their chests to separate them, "What's going on here?"
"It's nothing Isaac," Lukas responded, Isaac turned to face Lukas but didn't lower his hands.
"It doesn't look like nothing?" he phrased it as a question, trying to coax an answer from the boy; before he could get a response, Aiden took a step forward and in one swift movement Isaac brought his hand back in and replaced it with his elbow; making a cracking sound as it connected with Aiden's nose.
Both boys opened there eyes wide with shock, "Run," Lukas said, suddenly laughing; he grabbed Isaac's hand and took off running down the hall.

"What the hell was that about?" Isaac asked loudly, slightly out of breath.
"Remember last night, I said I got in a fight with some douche-bag at a party? That was him."
"You went to a party?" asked Adelaide, catching the end of what Lukas said as she caught up with them.
"Yeah, bad idea, as you can see."
"So why does Aiden want to kill you?" She asked.
"He thinks I was trying to get with Josie."
"Were you?" Isaac asked.
"No, of course not, but now he's mad because I beat him when he tried to fight me and I made him look bad."

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