Chapter I

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Lukas Scott had been at home studying each night from the moment he got home until he went to bed every day for the whole week. Not because he needed to study, but because he had nothing else to do. But Sunday night, after a whole weekend of doing nothing, he decided to go out to a party that one of the kids at his school was throwing.

He rode his bike to the house where it was being held and dropped it on the lawn, the music was blaring and people were already drunk on the front lawn.

He walked through the front door of the house and made his way through the crowd of people rubbing up against each other, he found the kitchen and grabbed a plastic cup, pouring some of the liquid from a bottle on the bench into it and taking a sip. It tasted and felt like what he imagined gasoline to be like.

Lukas looked across the room at the sweaty bodies of his peers moving to the beat of the music before shaking his head and going upstairs to find a bathroom. Upstairs the music sounded distorted but was still loud enough to make his head hurt, there were a few teenagers making their way through the hall as he looked around.

He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall for balance as the gasoline substance took effect, he didn't have much but it was really strong. Taking a deep breath in he opened his eyes and took a step forward before instantly being knocked back into a wall by a girl with dark skin and braids, Josie, the most popular girl in school.
"S-sorry," Lukas stuttered.
"Well hello there," she said putting a perfectly manicured hand on his upper arm, she looked him up and down smiling as she gripped his arm tighter, "You're kind of cute," she said, leaning in closer and moving her hand to his chest, pushing him against the wall lightly.
"Umm th-thanks," he said slightly squirming under her touch. He could smell the alcohol on her breath as she leaned her face in closer to his own and turned his head to the side to avoid contact with her lips.
She pulled back, looking at him with confusion.
"How come you don't want to kiss me?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Y-you have a boyfriend." the whole situation was making him uncomfortable.
"It's ok he doesn't have to find out," she said in a fake sweet voice, closing the gap between them again. "Unless you tell him, you wouldn't tell him right?" she batted her eyelids.
"Look," he said pushing her away gently, "I won't tell anyone about this but I'm not into you like that, so I'm just going to go."
She opened her mouth to speak before closing it again and turning on her heal and making her way down stairs.

Lukas made his way to the toilet and then back down stairs, he looked around at the crowd and noticed a boy with olive skin and shaggy brown hair standing against a wall, Beck, his old best friend. He decided that the night had been a complete waste of his time and that he wanted to go home.
He started towards the door before being pushed backwards by a large hand shoving his shoulder.
"Scott!" shouted Aiden, the school's 'jock' and Josie's boyfriend. "I heard you just tried to make a move on my girlfriend." The students didn't really care for jocks but Aiden was popular because he was dating Josie.
Lukas was confused for a moment, until he noticed Josie standing off to the side of the room watching with a smirk, she clearly didn't take well to being rejected.
"I didn't, I swear," Lukas said holding up his hands to ward Aiden off, "she's just drunk and confused, I bumped into her upstairs and apologised, that's all."
Aiden looked over at Josie with a smug look on his face before turning back and punching Lukas in the nose, hard.
Lukas noticed that people were gathering around to watch including Beck who looked worried, he looked away from Beck's gaze and ran at Aiden, knocking him over a couch, he looked at Aiden and walked out of the house as quickly as he could before Aiden could make another move.

The night air was cold on Lukas's face as he rode his bike down the dimly lit street. He dropped his bike when he got to the park and walked toward the swing-set, sitting down and wiping blood from under his nose with his sleeve.

He looked up at the sky, watching the stars shining down at him when he heard a voice from the bench next to him.
"Rough night?" the voice belonged to a boy with curly hair and a nice jawline, he was barely visible in the pale glow of the street lamps but Lukas could tell that he was attractive.
"Sorry?" Lukas asked.
The boy stood up and sat on the swing beside him. "Your nose is bleeding. 'been a rough night?"
"Oh, that." Lukas said, bringing his sleeve back up to his nose, "I just got in a fight with some douche-bag at a party."
"Nice," the boy smirked, "I'm Isaac, Isaac Pene, spelled like p-e-n-e pronounced like penny," he held out a hand for the other boy to shake which struck Lukas as odd but regardless, he took Issac's hand and introduced himself.
"Lukas Scott," he smiled.

The boys talked for almost two hours before Lukas realised the time.
"Oh my god," he said jumping up, "it's a school night, I gotta go, it was nice meeting you," he called the last part as he jumped on his bike and rode home.

The whole journey back Lukas couldn't stop thinking about Isaac. He parked his bike against the tree in his front yard and climbed the branches up to the wooden platform and through his bedroom window, before collapsing on his bed, still fully clothed, recalling the events from the park earlier that night.

A/N: I started this story and got four chapters in before we got given an assignment at school to write a short story. I decided to use the one I was writing on Wattpad but I changed the perspective to make it shorter and changed it up, while writing that story I decided that I needed to restart this with a different plan so we are now back at square one. If anyone decides to read this, please enjoy.

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