Chapter V

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Lukas had made plans with Isaac to go to the beach the Sunday after their first interview but when he woke up that morning it was cold and windy. Lukas had felt cheated out of the day that he'd been looking forward to so much and texted Isaac.

Lukas: It doesn't like beach weather today, maybe we should just take a rain-check
He didn't really want to have to postpone but he was throwing a tantrum and despite knowing that it was stupid he couldn't stop.
Isaac: Too late, I'm already on my way
Isaac: We'll just have to see how it goes ;)
Lukas smiled down at his phone. Stop smiling, he thought to himself, you fucking girl.

Lukas left his room via the window and texted his dad to say he was leaving so that his mum wouldn't ask questions. When Isaac arrived at his yard wearing a leather jacket he couldn't help but smile to himself at how out of place he looked in this simple town.
"Ooh, leather," he teased.
"At least I'm not a basic bitch like you, you're wearing a beige sweater."
"And? What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing," replied Isaac with his hands up in defense, "if you're trying to look like my grandma."
"Hey," accused Lukas, mounting his bike as they left, "don't be a dick."
"Better stay close, don't want you getting lost in the sand."

At the beach the sand whipped their legs and their hair was blowing everywhere.
"This was a bad idea," Lukas said, "we should have just stayed home."
"No, come on, live a little."
"What can we even do?"
He thought for a moment before responding, "Lets collect up little bits and pieces and make something"
"You are so weird," Lukas said but he agreed.
Lukas walked around the beach by himself and watched Isaac strolling along and bending down to pick something up every now and then; he decided to just look so that he wouldn't completely disappoint Isaac. He found some driftwood, string, seaweed, bottle-caps and broken shards of glass and went back to Isaac who was sitting on a rock; he looked ethereal as the wind messed up his hair whilst he looked at the items he'd found.
"So what are we supposed to make," he was being purposely doubtful and kind of rude, he couldn't stop himself, it was like a defense mechanism he did around people he liked.
Isaac didn't seem to notice the rudeness and Lukas was glad, he looked at what Lukas had gathered, "a dream catcher maybe?" he said it as a question rather than a statement.
"Isn't that kinda girly?"
"Is girly supposed to be a bad thing, and how did you manage to gender random objects we got off the floor?"
"Look, I don't know but everything is given a name or stereotype or something, I don't know, I'm going to shut up now."
"Well, so are we, but it's not ideal." Isaac said standing up and wrapping an arm around Lukas and dipping him, as though they were dancing.
"Yeah, yeah," Lukas muttered, breaking free while blushing, "I got it, back off with that cringey-ass shit."
"You're not making up for being sappy by swearing and pretending you don't love it."
Isaac placed a hand on Lukas's cheek, it was cold against his blush heated face; he leaned in so that their noses were touching, hand snaking up around his ear and back of his head.
"Can I kiss you?" his voice was barely a whisper and Lukas could barely hear him over the blood pulsing in his ears.
"Yes please," he responded croakily, lifting his mouth towards Isaac needily.

That afternoon the two boys and Keeley went to the town retail park. There wasn't much there; an IGA, electrical shop, hair dressers, tavern.... But the town only had that, a park, a school, and the library, as well as the beach just out of town.
They bought a tub of ice cream, a two litre water bottle to share and a packet of plastic spoons before heading to the gazebo outside the library to eat it and complain about the heat.
"We should have gone to the beach this afternoon instead of this morning," Lukas complained, but secretly he was glad with their decision and was happy about the way things worked out.
When they got home Keeley went back to her room and the other two, to Lukas's.
"Are you going to tell her about me?"
"She already knows you," Lukas responded, pretending to be confused and grabbing on to Isaac's collar softly, pretending to adjust it but really just trying to pull him closer.
"I meant, and I know you know this, are you going to tell her about us."
"Yeah, maybe... one day," Lukas was staring at Isaac's lips and trying to lean in to kiss him.
"And your parents?"
"What about them?" he seemed legitimately confused as though he couldn't comprehend Isaac's words anymore.
"We're going to talk about this later," Isaac sighed, giving in and kissing him roughly.
Lukas walked backwards, pulling Isaac with him, kissing him, until his legs hit the bed and he fell back. Isaac removed his jacket and crawled over him, kissing his jaw and neck. Lukas could feel a problem growing down where Isaac's knee was pressed against his crotch and knew that Isaac wasn't going to fix it for him. He knew nothing was going to happen between them today.

As if to confirm what he'd just been thinking, the door was opened and Isaac removed his lips from Lukas's neck and sat up startled, pulling a pillow into his lap and trying to look nonchalant; Lukas, however, took a moment to readjust and just laid back on his elbows, slightly dazed, watching the person at the door.
"Oh my god! What did I just walk in on?" Keeley asked, shielding her eyes from the scene before her.
"Nothing!" Lukas had finally managed to respond to the situation at the sound of Keeley's voice breaking the silence, "can you just wait outside for a moment?"
She walked out, pulling the door shut behind her and the boys faced each other.
"I think it's best you go now."
"Are you that ashamed of me?"
"No, that's not it, at all, but I think she and I may need to have a discussion now. You wanted me to tell her right?"
"I did, and maybe at some point your parents too." Isaac smiled and grabbed his jacket, leaning down to kiss Lukas on the cheek before climbing out the window.

"Please don't tell mum and dad."
"I don't plan on it but I hope you plan to."
Keeley and Lukas were sat opposite each other on his bed. The two were closer than a lot of siblings, rarely fought and a lot of that came with Keeley's need for personal space that Lukas always allowed for and well as Lukas's ability to stay calm, especially with the circumstances of knowing that Keeley will react differently than a lot of people in most situations. It wasn't that he saw her as something to tiptoe around but rather just that he knew how to code switch
"I will when the time is right, but I realised that I don't actually know what their opinions are on... umm..."
"Homosexuality?" Keeley offered as a suggestion.
"Yeah, that."
"L, this is normal, stop being weird about it. I'm sure they accept you."
"I know, thank you for being supportive, but I really need to do this in my own time."

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