Fall of the Castle of Lions

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(Y/n)'s POV
Allura invited the arussians to the castle for a celebration. I watched as they re-told how Voltron defeated the beast. Afterwards, Allura gave them a device that allowed them to contact us, since you know, we have to leave. The arussians thruster their cups into the air and cheered.
"We should get that!" Hunk said.  "Like what?" Lance asked. "You know like a cheer, a team cheer." Hunk said. "Hm, how 'bout I say Vol and you say tron, Vol!" Lance said. "Uh, Voltron?" Keith said, well more like asked. "No, no the cheer includes the instructions, I say Vol and you say tron, Vol." Lance said. "Voltron?" Keith asked. "Look we'll demonstrate for you Keith." I said. "I say vol and you say tron, Vol." Lance said. "Tron!" I replied. We looked at Keith but  he just blinked and said, "Yeah, Voltron." "Nevermind." Lance and I said. Lance drank some of his drink then quickly spit it out. "Coran, what the heck is this drink?" Lance asked. "It's Nunvill, nectar of the gods!" He replied. "It taste like hotdog water and feet." Lance said, very grossed out. "Yes, it's also a wonderful Hair Tonic." Coran said. He put some on his mustache and it made it puff up. Lance looked like he was gonna throw up. "Lancey, you okay?" I asked. Keith poked him and Lance fell on the ground. I sweat dropped and walked away. I walked into the hologram room and stared at the projections of the stars.
Allura's POV
I looked down at everyone from the balcony. "Look at them, the new paladins of Voltron," I said to the mice, "The fate of the universe is on their hands." I deadpanned looking at Keith and Hunk. "I must portray strength, so no one can know of my concern of our mission." I told the mice. The mice squeaked which gained my attention. "Who else has secrets?" I asked. The mice acted out a scene, "Hunk tried to eat what?" Another mouse acted out a scene, "That sounds like Lance." One mouse attempted to look like (Y/n), and another one looked like Keith with heart eyes. "Oh, Keith likes (Y/n)?" I asked. The mice squeaked and my eyes widened. "Keith loves (Y/n), tell me more later." I said. Finally the mice squeaked and my eyes widened again. "PIDGE IS A WHAT!Are you sure... I'm getting to the bottom of this." I said walking down the steps.
(Y/n)'s POV
I heard someone walk in, but I stayed in the same spot. "(N/n), I thought you were outside." Lance said. "I needed a bit of a break." I said. We stayed silent for a bit then I heard Lance sniffle a bit. "You're homesick too, aren't you." I asked looking at him. He nodded, he looked like he was trying not to cry. I climbed into his lap and hugged him. "You can cry, I don't mind." I mumbled into his shoulder. He started to cry and he hugged me tightly. "I just, I miss earth, I miss the beach, the pizza shack looking over the water, garlic knots, and mom's hugs." He vented. "I miss all of that too." I said letting a few tears roll down. "(N/n), how far away do you think earth is?" He asked. "I don't know." I mumbled. We stayed silent for a minute then lance spoke up, "You ever notice how far away the planets are from each other." I nodded hesitantly. "They're so far away, I can barely see anything, the clouds, the blue skies, the green grass, I, I can't see any of it," He said, "I know we're supposed to be brave paladins and all or whatever, but honestly, I just want to go back home with you." I nodded then said, "I miss the rain the most." He smiled and brushed his hand through my hair. "I remember Rachel chasing us after we dragged her outside." I said. He laughed and we both looked at each other and mimicked Rachel, "I had a date with Angel you little devils!" We laughed and I got out of his lap. "Why don't we head back, we still haven't tried those weird food cubes." I said getting up. He got up and held his arm out. "Shall I escort you Milady?" He asked in a bad British accent. "You may, big brother." I responded. We started to walk out and rover passed by us. "Hey rover." We said. I stopped and mumbled, "Wait... where's pidge?" I asked. Rover started blinking red and Lance's eyes widened. "(Y/N), LOOK OUT." He screamed. He pushed himself onto me as the bomb went off.

I groaned as I attempted to get up. "(Y/n)!" Keith said. He rushed to my side and helped me up. "What happened?" Shiro asked. "I don't know, all I saw was rover and..." I saw lance and quickly ran over to him, "Lance!" I put his head in my lap gently. "Lance, lance please." I said, a few tears going out. Everyone gathered around lance. He groaned and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "We need to get Lance to the infirmary!" Pidge said. 'It should be me going to the infirmary' I thought. "Without the Crystal, the Castle has no power!" Allura said. "He doesn't look so good." Shiro said. The king rushed in and said, "Lion warriors, our village is under attack, we need your help!" "We have to get to our lions." Keith said. "We can't, they're sealed in their hangars." Allura said. "So you won't help us?" The king asked. "We'll help you, we just..." Keith said. Lance groaned and we all gave him worried glances. "This is bad." Hunk said. "We need to get a castle, but we don't have a ship." Coran said. "You can use the pod I was loading up." Pidge said. 'Pidge had a pod ready?' I asked myself. "We need to go find the balmera, I need someone big and strong to join me, Hunk you can come with me." Coran said. "A Balmera?" Hunk asked. "I'll explain it on the way there!" Coran said as he ran out with pidge and Hunk. "I'm going to help the Arrusians." Keith said. "I'll go with you, I've brought this upon them," Allura said, "(Y/n)?" "I'm sorry Allura, but there's no way in hell that I'm going to leave my brother's side." I said looking at her. "I understand." She responded. The two ran out and Lance groaned once again. Shiro easily picked up Lance and looked down at me. "You need help walking?" He asked. I shook my head and stood up, "I'm perfectly fine, just some aching bones and a limp but I'm good." He looked at me warily then we started to walk out. 'Stay strong Lance, stay strong.'

"Hang in their buddy, help is on the way." Shiro mumbled. We reached the entrance outside then shiro stopped and put a hand out as if to protect me. "Shiro?" I looked to where he was staring at, "Sendak." He gently placed lance down and looked at me sternly, "Stay here with your brother, protect him and yourself." (Damn space dad mode) I nodded and he walked off. I looked down at Lance and frowned. I looked back up when I heard Shiro scream. He skidded across the ground. "SHIRO!" I yelled. "Stay there!" He said and ran towards Sendak. I summoned my blaster and got ready to fire but I felt a gun being held up to my head. "Don't move." The soldier said. "Then don't fucking touch me!" I said. He kicked me in the back and I screamed a bit. This caused Shiro to look over at me, which resulted in Shiro getting knocked out. Sendak walked over and dropped Shiro next to us. "Hm, still have your gun out?" Sendak taunted. I shot him in the leg and said, "Your the cumshot your mother should have swallowed." (Don't be so shocked, you've seen cruel stuff being said before) "Knock her out too." He said. Then it went black.

I groaned and opened my eyes, adjusting to the light. "Hexas, report." Sendak said. "Hexas is gone, your next!" I heard pidge say. "You slowed me down, but this ship is mine, you will turn yourself in immediately!" Sendak said. "No, well then maybe your leader can convince you." Sendak said. He walked towards us and my eyes widened. "WAIT NO, whatever you do don't hurt him!" I said. Sendak scoffed then grew a wicked smile. He grabbed me by my throat and slowly started to choke me. "(Y/n)!" Shiro said. "Pidge, don't- AGHHHHHHH" I was electrocuted by Sendak then he threw me back to where I was. He gave a final warning to Pidge as I tried to catch my breath.

A green arrow shot at Sendak and pidge stood at the entrance. Sendak ran towards pidge, as another pidge ran in. "You guys still okay?" Pidge asked. "We're not dead so." I said. Pidge uncuffed me then Sendak grabbed him harshly. Keith and Allura ran in and I aimed my blaster at him weakly. "Stand back or your friend will be, AGHH." Sendak was shot by a laser. I saw Lance holding his blaster than he passed out again. Shiro charged at sendak, knocking him off a bit, and I attempted to shoot at sendak. Keith slashed at sendak but was grabbed, until pidge set him free. "NOW!" Allura said. Keith slammed into Sendak trapping him in some type of barrier. I slowly crawled to Lance. "Big Bro, you okay." I asked weakly. Keith walked over to us and kneeled down. "We did it guys, we are a good team." He said. I smiled then felt my eyes droop. "I'm just gonna, rest for a bit." I said. "(Y/n)?" Keith asked. Then I blacked out.

(A/n): WOW OKAY THERE WAS GONNA BE TWO PARTS BUT I DECIDED FUCK IT. Anyway, I get a whole week off so hopefully I'll get more done! Also I literally cried re-watching this episode, my poor baby boi.

Words: 1719 words

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