Day 78

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Author's POV

  The team was finally on the right path again. They finally realized they weren't gonna get anywhere trying to find (Y/n) individually. The team all sat in the control room looking for Zarkon's ship location. After a while, they didn't find anything.

  "She has to be somewhere." Allura mumbled. Allura sighed and closed her eyes.


  "Yeah but anyone else could do that as well." Pidge looked down and Allura sighed.
  "There's one thing I didn't tell you about being the Teal paladin," Allura said, pidge and (Y/n) looked at her, "The teal paladin is unique, they put other first instead of themselves, and it usually gets them hurt, but other than that, they are one of the most important parts of Voltron."
  Allura looked at (Y/n) with a soft smile, "Even if they aren't apart of Voltron, they are the soul of it, they encourage the team to bond together." Pidge smiled and so did (Y/n) "See, you're important to the team, we're all family, a crazy but loving family." Pidge said.
 (Y/n) hugged both of them, "Thank you, I really need that." They both hugged back and let go.

The team stood by Allura, the atmosphere was quiet. (Y/n) sat next to her and rubbed her back in a reassuring way. Allura looked at her, then hugged (Y/n). (Y/n) hugged her back. (Y/n) was comforting Allura.

♡Memory End♡

  Allura sighed and opened her eyes and sighed. "The teal paladin is unique," she mumbled, "They put others first instead of themselves."


  "STOP IT!" Shiro yelled out as he punched the pod.
  (Y/n) stopped as he breathed hard. His eyes widened and hit the ejection button. (Y/n) walked over to him, "Shiro, snap out of it!" Shiro was kneeling on the ground, he was sweating. "Shiro can you hear me, I'm right here!"
  Shiro gasped and looked up at (Y/n). "Shiro are you okay, who were you talking to, did Sendak do-" She said but she was cut short by Shiro. Shiro was hugging her, then she slowly hugged him back. "You're okay, you're safe Shiro, I've got you." (Y/n) said softly.
  He still held onto her tightly, "Sendak is gone, he can't harm you anymore." Shiro finally let go and (Y/n) helped him lean against the pod to catch his breath.


  The laser was shot and (Y/n) flew right towards it. "GUYS WATCH OUT!" She screamed. Her lion flew in one direction as it was hit, then her body slammed back into her seat. "(Y/N)!" The team screamed.

♡Memory end♡

  "Even if they aren't apart of the team, they still bond it, bringing everyone together." Allura muttered. She looked at her screen then looked to the others. "Let's take a small break to rest, then we'll get back to searching." Allura said.

  Everyone sat around, meanwhile Lance was pulling up a certain video. Keith sat next to Lance and noticed which video he was watching. It was (Y/n)'s paladin vlog. Lance smiled as she shared her fondest memories.

  "I've never been able to watch her vlog fully, I never knew how she ended it." Lance said as he stared at his missing twin onscreen. Keith realized how close they actually are, Lance could barely function without her. "Well, we can find out now." Keith said. As the two looked at the screen, they grew confused.

"I also, recently, haven't been doing so good. After what happened at the Space mall, I just can't keep it together."

She looks in one direction, deep in thought. "I keep seeing weird things, first I saw the whole battle thing, then Allura calling out to me, then I saw Keith and Lance trying to get to me... I.... I feel confused and... scared."

☆Lance's twin sister☆ {Keith X Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now